Well...it hit me while driving home from my mom's yesterday that we need one that says, "Support Our Health." Yeah...that's right, out health.
After being behind a "Support Our Troops" ribbon for about a mile I realized that people have no problem supporting the troops our government sends overseas to fight distant wars. We let a government agency use our taxes (trillions of dollars) to administer conflicts in countries that they deem to be a threat. And, we all know what war does. People get killed and injured (both physically and mentally). And the government spends our tax dollars to put together the "machine" to keep it going. As President Eisenhower said, "Beware of the Military-Industrial Complex."
Ok...it's there. And - seems to be deeply imbedded in our society.
So, how come people have such a hard time with a government agency promoting and administering health?! Shouldn't we want our government putting the same effort, and tax dollars, towards the U.S. population's health as it does towards the pursuit of war (not to mention the re-building of foreign countries, including the infrastruction we destroy). Geez...all we'd have to do is end one of those wars and we'd have more than enough money to make our population feel better taken care of (with less of a financial burden on individuals and families).
I know people talk about additional taxes (which I just illustrated how NOT to have). But...think about your health insurance bills, aren't they just privatized taxes. How come no on mentions that?
Well, now it's time for a new "Ribbon." "Support Our Health." I think Red, White, and Blue would be a good combination. After all, what could possibly be more patriotic than a healthy America!