Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Facebooking and tweeting Iran

It's amazing how social networking sites have impacted the situation in Iran. People "broadcast" pictures, videos, and meeting sites to their fellow citizens and the world. Who would have thought the a tweet here, a "what are you doing now" there, and a post everywhere, could change the face of the way a country and the world view an election.

CNN uses iReposters, and youtube gets videos from inside Iran. Does this mean we, as a political and social world, are changed forever? How could these things have affected the 2000 U.S. elections. Could it be possible that exit polls can now be twittered (or tweeted) so that we can actually have voters telling the networks (both in the media and socially) how they've voted; enabling us to get more accurate results?

How the political and social stage is changed from here on out will be incredible to watch. Post me, tweet me, blog me, facebook me, text me...geez, things sure have changed since the days of "gimme a call!"

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