Monday, January 18, 2010

Haiti and the world

The devastation in Haiti is terrible, we all know that. But, perhaps some good can come out of the horror. As countries send their aid and rescue teams, maybe, just maybe, people will realize that they can work together for a common good.

It's interesting to see how coordinated things can get within an uncoordinated system, in order to help those in need. This effort is, sadly, better than how we in the U.S. acted when Katrina hit our shores. Is it that the international community is involved? Or...that we have more resposive leadership? Whatever the reason, maybe Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, can give us the richest lesson in how we should treat each other. Will this last? Probably not. Can it become a model for relief? Sure. However, we have to put our nationalistic egos aside and work for the benefit of the world.

Hasn't happened yet. But...there's hope.

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