Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Paul Newman would be proud

After having trepidations about the folks about Newman's Own Organics, I took Jen's advice (she's the woman who works at Whole Foods) and e-mailed them through the Newman's Own's website.

Miracle of miracles...they actually responded. And, quickly! Whoa...what's happening?! First Whole Foods, then Newman's Own. Proof that customer service lives in the good old U.S. of A!!

Peggy (from Newman's) sent me an e-mail explaining their reasons for changing chocolate (to a higher quality version - hmm...what have I been eating all along? Ok I'll let that slide). She told me about new products and ones they're discontinuing. Good information for a dark chocolate nut like me.

And, she said that she was sorry that I was disappointed in the 'new' Espresso Bar. Plus to make up for my lack of product enthusiasm she'd be happy to send me a coupon so that I could sample one of their new products.

Wow...all this in less than a day. Are you listenin' Mrs. Childress?!

Paul, I hope that you're lookin' down and reading this. You taught 'em well.

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  1. kudos for customer service... although Newsman's Own products creep me the hell out.

  2. Hmm...but it seems that they're less creepy than Verizon's!

  3. Customer service is definitely hard to come by these day. Long wait times, and poor customer service definitely turns me away from some products and services that I have used in the past. As for Newman's Own products, they definitely are quality, nothing like opening up the cabinet and having a creepy looking face staring right back at you.

  4. Yeah...but now the face is harder to find!
