Of course when the stories played out we find that none of the eight needed any medication or went to the hospital...they just rode it out and are all fine. Mild cases that make the news and help spread fear. Ya know...it's that old news media saying - "If it bleeds, it leads."
Now, that doesn't mean that we all shouldn't be made aware of a Flu Virus invading our shores. But at the same time - let's keep it in perspective.
I know that eighty or so people in Mexico City have died from the virus and about 1400 have been infected. However, twenty million people live in Mexico City. Again...let's put that in perspective! More people died during an excessive heat wave in Chicago a few summers back.
So...wash your hands, keep things clean, and don't travel to Mexico City right now...ok? Good. And - if you feel sick, please see your doctor. Of yeah...if you have a tendency to watch the news, don't go all goofy.
Hmm - maybe I'll pass on that ham sandwich!