Monday, April 13, 2009

A sad day for Philadelphia and Phillies fans

About twenty minutes ago my son called me. I asked him how he was and he responded that it was a sad day. "Why? What's wrong?" was my response.

He told me that he had just found out that Harry Kalas had passed away. I couldn't believe it. Yesterday I listened to his distinctive voice as he braodcasted the Phillies game. His "Outta here" is as well known a phrase to baseball and non-baseball fans as is "Play ball."

My son grew up to the sounds of Harry Kalas discussing the nuances of the game that he and I love so much. As the season approached I looked forward to hearing his voice as an assurance that baseball was here and things would be renewed, once again, for another year.

Harry the son and I (and millions of other people) will miss you and your wonderful comforting voice. I have a feeling that Richie Asburn is waiting to greet his best friend. What a fantastic duo. Two superb men who graced my life for so many years.

Harry...the games just won't be the same without you.

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