It's ironic that a killer would abort someone's life in the name of stopping abortions. What the heck is that about?! When Scott Roeder assassinated Dr. George Tiller it just proves how absurd and twisted our society has become. Kinda like eating all the cows on earth to help spread vegetarianism. I guess the reasoning would be that the fewer animals the better chance of not eating them. So...keep eating 'em 'til there's none left! Then, of course, we'd all be forced to be a vegetarian.
Ok, so maybe the entire ecosystem would get totally screwed up, but we'd have no choice but to munch on plants. I figure if we use Scott's rationale then we better start wiping out anyone who has anything to do with abortions. Doctors, nurses, women (we can't forget women), men and their genitals (yep...get rid of those things, that way the chances of needing abortions will really be lowered - no pun intended), any form of transportation that can transport a female to an doctor's office, and why not just do away with the entire species of homo sapiens. That should really take care of things! oil buddies are at it again. $70.00 a barrel! Help!! Next you'll hear the cry to start drillin' in every imaginable spot in the U.S. so we can foil those dastardly foreign oil mongers (just don't mention that it was Western Companies like Standard Oil, Shell, Amoco, etc. - some under different names - that started drilling in the Middle East in the first place). Noooo...why don't we show 'em the door by developing alternative forms of energy and transportation? Think rationally about it and get movin' immediately! We shouldn't wait another day. How great would it be if we didn't use another drop of oil? Ahh...
Lastly, I saw that Jon Voight was giving a speech in which he put down Barack Obama saying that everything Obama's done has been a disaster. First...let's not forget that the President has been in office for less than 5 months and is trying to clean up a mess that took 8 years to create. Now here's Voight, who's own daughter has a hard time communicating with, telling the world that Obama's a false prophet. Huh? That's like me standing in front of a microphone telling Chas Utley how to hit. Please...Mr. Voight.
I don't think there's anyone out there who believes that Israel needs to be secure and the Jewish People (who have been the most oppressed group in history) need to be safe more than I do. But, we certaily need dialogue and discourse and that's what the President is doing. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see Israel at peace with its neighbors.
So, there's a few things to chew on. I welcome your comments.
Regarding the abortion rant; the guy is an idiot and apparently does not know how to correctly process a thought. There isn't much to say about people who do not have enough intellect to battle with words and rhetoric.
ReplyDeleteOil is an issue that has an iron grip on American society. Our resistence to the need for change is propogated by the people getting rich in the oil industry. We need legislature to set quotas for car companies to create more hybrid cars. The issue cannot be solved on a corporate level. Corporations mainly want profit, however, it should be the government's duty to worry more about public welfare and reducing this nation's dependence on foreign oil. Some may say to tap into the wells in Alaska, however, to those people I have one question; if we keep destroying our land in order to exploit resources, what point will there be in living on this planet if the sole purpose is to exist and make profit at the expense of the enviornment? I fear that we will come to a point of no return, where we can no longer solve the enviornmental issues. At that point it will become a blame game, with stories of where we went wrong. Perhaps that will become the final legacy of this planet; a smoldering wasteland.
To address the last point, Israel, I believe that there won't be peace until the Muslim nations rid their governments of terrorist influences and be ready to change with the world. The antiquated traditions and mentality are remnants of the Persian empire. The problem is that when the Roman empire collapsed, moving the capital to Constantinople and later even that collapsed, the Persian empire lasted. This collapse broke the stagnation that plagued the Roman empire in the last years of the existence and forced people to change their mentality, social structure, and technology. By avoiding that collapse, the Persian empire remained static. Keeping that in mind, we can see why the Muslim nations are so wary of change. There was a Muslim woman on Al Jazeer that said that the discord in the Middle East is not caused by a clash of religions so much as a clash between the old world represented by the Muslim nations and the new world represented by Israel. Therefore, until the Muslim world is willing to change and purge the terrorist threats within their nations, there will not be peace no matter how many concessions Israel makes.
Lastly, on a personal note, I would like to point out why Israel's location was chosen. It was because it was the most uncultivated and undeveloped land as explained in the book Exodus (not religious text). However, Israel was able to turn it into one of the most modern and developed nations that produces one of the greatest quantities of scientific papers per capita, some of the most widely used technologies (cell phones and AIM), and one of the best medical team of specialists in the world. Why does a country who advocates peace ,and until the attacks started, allowed free passage to all who wanted to work and live within its boarders, have to be subjucated to constant threat and violence. So much hate over a peace of land smaller than New Jersey.
I would just like to comment briefly on the issue regarding Jon Voight and Barack Obama. I think it takes a very opinionated person to let the media know that he is displeased with our president's performance thus far. Personally I'm in no way Pro Obama, however Jon Voight must realize that in the short time Barack Obama has been president he has been trying to fix over 8 years of disaster so far. Its like asking a twenty year old boy to rake up all of the leaves inside a property the size of bucks county. Nevertheless I think that Dan Goldberg shouldn't be telling Chase Utley how to hit but Jimmy Rollins is debateable.
ReplyDeleteGood points from both of you! As Dennis Miller (not one of my favorite comics) once said...I'm paraphrasing here - Israel is like a piece of land the size of a matchbook on the 50 yard line surrounded by enemies who take up the rest of the football field. So why don't people just leave them alone. They have plenty of their own land.
ReplyDeleteAnd...if you've noticed. Jimmy Rollins has been pickin' it up a bit lately!