The guy went over to the three, who were sitting behind home plate, and said that no one sits during the playing of God Bless America and threw them out of the ballpark.
I don't get this at all, from many different aspects.
First...where is it written that anyone has to stand during any song, even The National Anthem. It's not an obligation, it's a choice.
Second...the whole idea of the song is freedom. Isn't that what America stands for? Which mean that those three people are free to NOT stand.
Third...when did they start playing God Bless America at ballparks anyway? It was always The National Anthem at the beginning of the game and Take Me Out To The Ball Game during the 7th inning stretch. After 9/11/2001 baseball teams added God Bless America (which many have sinced dropped...I think it became a bit much). you stand for either song at home. I don't think so. Of course they both evoke patriotism and nationalism (and in some with Mr. Newark Bears - jingoism).
The end of the story hasn't been decided, since the three young baseball fans are suing (and, from my belief...rightly so) Mr. Bear for, I assume, their civil rights being violated. How ironic is that!!
Ahh...America! How great is that!!
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