Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Now, diamonds are not only forever...they're on 24/7

Ahh...finally! Nirvana for the baseball freak.
I think I've found heaven on earth. Yeah, I know it sounds pathetic but for a baseball maniac like me the coming of the Major League Baseball Channel this Thursday (January 1) at 6:00 is like a warm fireplace on a cold evening.
As I read the comments of a reader a few months back in the Philadelphia Inquirer Sports Section I had to shake my head in agreement, "There's only two sports seasons. The baseball season and the waiting for baseball season." the diamond crazed guy said. And I gotta admit I've used that line many times since.
Sure I like football, basketball, hockey, and soccer. But let's face it...they're all the same sport with some slight variations. They all have the clock telling them when their time is up, each game is broken into periods, halves, or quarters, and the objective in all those games is to have the offense drive the ball (or puck) down the field (or court, or ice) and get it into the defenses goal. That's it.
Ok, so in a couple of the sports they wear pads and helmets and in the others it's shorts and shirts, but they're all basically the same.
So...I wait in anticipation as the granddaddy of big time American team sports - our national pasttime - hits the airwaves for real! Yes, my friends...diamonds are forever! And I can watch them anytime I want!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Bad Case of Gas

I'm confused...I'll admit it.
Like completely. How could so many drivers disappear?
Rememeber a few months back when the price of gasoline was over $4.00 a gallon?
Well, what was one of the major reasons (or at least that's what we were told) for that affront on our wallets?
Hmm, if I recall correctly (which I do), it was those newly emboldened Chinese and Indian (as in India) consumers who were now gobbling up gasoline, and other petroleum derivatives for their vehicles, production facilities, and consumer goods.
Hey, so what happened!? Did they stop driving, producing, and buying? Ehhh...somethin' stinks and I don't think it's coming from the refinery.
I recently posed this question to some of my students and received some interesting responses.
So I ask you...anyone have dinner with a hedge fund manager lately!!? Or seen less congested streets in Beijing or Mumbai? And...you really don't think we've seen the last major price increase, do ya?

Friday, December 26, 2008


Ok...so I'm still eating leftovers from Christmas Eve at the Millers.
Ham, chicken salad, cookies, and whatever else was shoved into the doggie bag that was made for me by Donna. I'm feelin' like I should eat a piece of matzo and a potato latka just to balance things out. Then of course some cholesterol medication or at least a gallon of red wine.
Every year we get together. A plethora of old (ok...now "old" takes on a whole new meaning) friends to laugh, talk, listen to Christmas music, much of which was composed and sung by people of my tribe (Irving Berlin, Barbra Streisand, Neil Diamond, and more), I remind Bill, and...eat a mountain of food. The kids who used to trim the tree now have their own kids.
There's a comfort in Christmas Eve there. The table's set exactly the same every year. Although I WAS thrown off, because the table itself was placed horizontally in the dining room instead of it's usual verticle position. A site map was in order. The major food platters were, however, exactly the same.
I always think that I'll watch my consumption only to rationalize it out (at the end of the night) that it's only one night of the year.
Yeah...right...so what am I doin' eating the remaining BAG of Christmas cookies!?
At least I'm washing 'em down with Green Tea.
After all - I AM health conscious