Sunday, January 4, 2009

NyQuil, DayQuil, NoQuill

So, I'm sittin' here after a night of NyQuil and NoQuill (just didn't feel like writing) and getting ready to take some DayQuil. Yeah...I've taken all my herbal suppliments and am currently drinking green tea with honey but, in my case - right now - I'll depend on the Pharmas too.
Maybe if I sat in a humidor for a month and became perfectly humidified inside and out I'd be fine.
Anywayz, finishing the last syllabus (sounds like a large yellow vehicle from a Monte Python skit) for this coming semester's courses (ahh...the joy of a university) when it occured to me that somewhere there's a whole bunch of college students freakin' out about books, end of break, tuition, their jobs, credits, who they're gonna be sittin' next to, and a whole bunch of other stuff.
When is this country going to realize that the greatest resource it has are its people and instead of spending billions (ok, maybe trillions) on wars, pork projects, and other useless (or careless) things they'll have an epiphany and start giving people education, healthcare, and other meaningful things that they can afford (maybe even not have to pay for).
That doesn't mean sub par. On the should be way above par.
After all...when you invest in the resource of a country's people, you'll have a population that can figure out how to cure lots of society's ills and also take the country to new heights.
But, what do I know...maybe my head's too stuffed up to think!

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