Thursday, January 8, 2009

A "Swell" for Dell

Monday I was unfortunate enough to put a CD-ROM into my computer only to find that my CD AND DVD drivers had disappeared.
Where do those things go? Atlantis? The Bermuda Triangle? The pit that so cozily harbors my Sump Pump? PLEASE will someone tell me!? my fingers went to call Dell customer service - thinking, of course, that those words were probably oxymoronic.
But lo...I was connected to Ritesh.
A calm in the storm, Ritesh was as mellow and competent as anyone I've ever encountered on any of my frantic "you gotta help me - my computer has malfunctioned" calls.
Yes, he was at the call center in Mumbai. A fact, I must add, that in the past the other voices on the phone would never, for some reason, disclose.
After a few minutes of getting to know each other as humans (including my condolences for the recent terrorist situation there), Ritesh went to work like a jet without turbulance.
It always amazes me when someone remotely takes control of my desktop, and even more so when that person is half way around the world.
"Mumbai...this is Philly...we have a problem."
Within minutes the man showed his magic. Drivers found. How he retrieved them from my Sump Pump hole I'll never know - but there they were!
And, he even ran me through the whole problem with my muted speakers.
Yep, dead I surmised. Ritesh tried everything, even showed me the pdf diagram of my now useless ornaments (wires, connections and all), but to no avail.
I can't wait for the new ones to arrive!
And to say that somewhere in India a man has saved the nervous system of a guy who just finished viewing a CD.
Thanks Ritesh. Swell job Dell!

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