Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Happy 2010!!
I wish you all A Very Happy, Healthy, Prosperous, and Joyful New Year!! May your 2010also be filled with lots of love and laughter AND may you always keep your eyeonthings!!
Need some insights on an old problem
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A negative headline to a positive story
Why do news organization insist upon putting a negative spin on positive stories. a former owner of a Marketing, Management, Advertising, and Public Relations firm (Goldberg Strunk and Levy), I know the old media saying, "If it bleeds, it leads." And that's why murder, rape, disasters, and the like, get top billing on news shows and other forms of media.
Today's headline on is a perfect case. "Russia to develop offensive weapons to keep balance with U.S." really sounds ominous. Hide the family, shut the schools, buy up all the bread and milk...the Russians are coming!!
But, if you read the text of the story, you get an entirely different perspective.'s even POSITIVE! So - the question remains. Why didn't they create a positive headline. Why? 'Cause..."If it bleeds, it leads!" Remember that and, as I like to say. Don't believe anything you read, see, or hear - do your own research!!
Here's the link to the story:
Today's headline on is a perfect case. "Russia to develop offensive weapons to keep balance with U.S." really sounds ominous. Hide the family, shut the schools, buy up all the bread and milk...the Russians are coming!!
But, if you read the text of the story, you get an entirely different perspective.'s even POSITIVE! So - the question remains. Why didn't they create a positive headline. Why? 'Cause..."If it bleeds, it leads!" Remember that and, as I like to say. Don't believe anything you read, see, or hear - do your own research!!
Here's the link to the story:
Sunday, December 27, 2009
My thoughts on how to create the perfect vision for energy sustainability
We all know that 20/20 is perfect vision. As a trained optician I've had first hand experience of working with people to get them to that 20/20 level.
Now...I have a way to use those numbers to help the world get rid of it dependency on fossil fuels and nuclear power. I know it isn't gonna happen in the U.S. because of all the special interest groups, lobbyists, money to politicains, and all the other corrupt crap that goes on in our governments. But...if one country could show the world the strength to legislate that all it's energy MUST come from sustainable sources by the year 2020, then perhaps, that'll start the ball rollin'.
Impossible you say - well maybe. But Equador just passed a constitution that gave rights to nature! So...why not take it to the next step?! In World War II the U.S. turned Detroit from a car manufacturing center, into a center of manufacturing tanks, planes, and other vehicles of war. And...within about 3 years and 8 months we deated the Axis powers. Just watch the "11th Hour" film for a bit more complete information.
If we could do it for war...someone should be about to do it for sustainability, health, and peace. And they'd have 2 1/2 times (in years) to do it!!
Let's go, our species is waiting!!
Now...I have a way to use those numbers to help the world get rid of it dependency on fossil fuels and nuclear power. I know it isn't gonna happen in the U.S. because of all the special interest groups, lobbyists, money to politicains, and all the other corrupt crap that goes on in our governments. But...if one country could show the world the strength to legislate that all it's energy MUST come from sustainable sources by the year 2020, then perhaps, that'll start the ball rollin'.
Impossible you say - well maybe. But Equador just passed a constitution that gave rights to nature! So...why not take it to the next step?! In World War II the U.S. turned Detroit from a car manufacturing center, into a center of manufacturing tanks, planes, and other vehicles of war. And...within about 3 years and 8 months we deated the Axis powers. Just watch the "11th Hour" film for a bit more complete information.
If we could do it for war...someone should be about to do it for sustainability, health, and peace. And they'd have 2 1/2 times (in years) to do it!!
Let's go, our species is waiting!!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Healthcare reform and Copenhagen looks like we're gonna get some sort of healthcare reform. Wednesday's Senate vote showed us that the stalemate has been broken (at least from the Democrats' side of things). It's amazing to me that not 1 Republican voted for the proposal. Guess all of their constituants are already covered and they must not have any trouble paying for it either.
It remains to be seen as to what we Americans will eventually get, and when, but...the weakness of Copenhagen will have a effect on it.
How you ask? Hmm...ok, here goes. Since world leaders couldn't get it together to pass any effective legislation to prevent carbon emissions, people will continue to get higher rates of asthma and other pollution related illnesses. That, in turn, will create higher heathcare costs across the world, including here in the U.S.
So - if you want to help lower healthcare costs, lower pollution. By I expect anyone to connect the dots? Nah...that would be too easy! And, I guess get in the way of special interest groups too.
Take a deep breath (ok...maybe not too deep) and just wait as see what happens.
It remains to be seen as to what we Americans will eventually get, and when, but...the weakness of Copenhagen will have a effect on it.
How you ask? Hmm...ok, here goes. Since world leaders couldn't get it together to pass any effective legislation to prevent carbon emissions, people will continue to get higher rates of asthma and other pollution related illnesses. That, in turn, will create higher heathcare costs across the world, including here in the U.S.
So - if you want to help lower healthcare costs, lower pollution. By I expect anyone to connect the dots? Nah...that would be too easy! And, I guess get in the way of special interest groups too.
Take a deep breath (ok...maybe not too deep) and just wait as see what happens.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
A wish for the Holidays
Monday, December 21, 2009
The Tanna
After watching hours of "Meet the Natives" on the History Channel and marveling at the insights of the 5 men who represented the South Pacific tribe on their trip to the United States to bring a message of peace, I reflected on some of their quotes.
While visiting an Army base in Georgia (Fort Stewart), the men mentioned that, "We had stopped using weapons in the time of our grandfathers." And when shown how the soldiers hone their firing and weaponry skills using simulated computer games they replied, "These kind of games will lead them to war."
Pretty astute stuff from people we'd call "Primitive." If only we were all more like them.
There was so much more about their trip to the states, the families they stayed with, and what the experience meant to both the Tanna and the Americans they "touched," that if you ever get a chance to watch it...please do.
While visiting an Army base in Georgia (Fort Stewart), the men mentioned that, "We had stopped using weapons in the time of our grandfathers." And when shown how the soldiers hone their firing and weaponry skills using simulated computer games they replied, "These kind of games will lead them to war."
Pretty astute stuff from people we'd call "Primitive." If only we were all more like them.
There was so much more about their trip to the states, the families they stayed with, and what the experience meant to both the Tanna and the Americans they "touched," that if you ever get a chance to watch it...please do.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Join me on facebook and twitter
Well...I've done it. I'm following Gary Vaynerchuk's advice, that he wrote about in his book Crush It! I'm on twitter at:, have a facebook fan page at:, and have a new facebook group, "Mastering enLightened Leadership™" at:
I hope you'll join me at all three venues. Look forward to seeing and hearing from you soon!
I hope you'll join me at all three venues. Look forward to seeing and hearing from you soon!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
A "breakthrough" on healthcare reform looks like the Democrats in the Senate have come to an agreement on the healthcare reform bill. Bill Nelson of Florida has given his support, while making sure that no government funds are used for abortions, which means - funding abortions will not be in the government option.
So, now that women have had some of their rights negotiated away by a man in Florida, it looks like the bill may pass.
How odd that we live in a system where a man (and a wealthy one at that) uses his power to pull away rights from women, in order to pass a bill that is supposed to help with everyone's health.
It won't affect him in any way. Nor, of course, his family. They can afford any plan they want. And...if one of his family members is raped, has knowledge of something within her pregnancy that may precipitate wanting, or needing, an abortion, or any other like situation...I'm sure they'd go right ahead and do it. But, I think it's pretty pompous of him to inject his religious beliefs into a situation that should enable people to be healthy, in all its forms. Especially those who can't afford a private option.
Geez, I hope he'll agree to increase the funding for education, school food programs, and other projects that will help the children of women who choose the government option, thrive in a healthy manner. Or will he be the first to block funds and say that these women shouldn't have too many children and ought to think about abstinence (as so many anti-abortion critics do).
So, now that women have had some of their rights negotiated away by a man in Florida, it looks like the bill may pass.
How odd that we live in a system where a man (and a wealthy one at that) uses his power to pull away rights from women, in order to pass a bill that is supposed to help with everyone's health.
It won't affect him in any way. Nor, of course, his family. They can afford any plan they want. And...if one of his family members is raped, has knowledge of something within her pregnancy that may precipitate wanting, or needing, an abortion, or any other like situation...I'm sure they'd go right ahead and do it. But, I think it's pretty pompous of him to inject his religious beliefs into a situation that should enable people to be healthy, in all its forms. Especially those who can't afford a private option.
Geez, I hope he'll agree to increase the funding for education, school food programs, and other projects that will help the children of women who choose the government option, thrive in a healthy manner. Or will he be the first to block funds and say that these women shouldn't have too many children and ought to think about abstinence (as so many anti-abortion critics do).
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
A solution to the healthcare bill
Here's my simple solution to the healthcare bill's passage in the U.S.
Take away the government healthcare benefits that every member of the House and Senate (and their dependents) receives. Don't allow them to be reinstated until a healthcare bill is passed.
I think you'll see a greater sense of urgency...don't you?!
Take away the government healthcare benefits that every member of the House and Senate (and their dependents) receives. Don't allow them to be reinstated until a healthcare bill is passed.
I think you'll see a greater sense of urgency...don't you?!
Monday, December 14, 2009
How Citigroup is repaying TARP
Citigroup said that it's going to pay back $20 Billion in TARP funds it received by selling more common stock ($17 Billion worth) and taking on more debt.
Hold it...isn't the debt part one of the reasons they got in the crapper to begin with?
So, to all of you who deal with out for more hidden fees, higher credit card interest rates (at least until the new law kicks in), and other shenanigans. In a financial system that's completely made up...making up more crazy stuff just fits the mold!
Hold it...isn't the debt part one of the reasons they got in the crapper to begin with?
So, to all of you who deal with out for more hidden fees, higher credit card interest rates (at least until the new law kicks in), and other shenanigans. In a financial system that's completely made up...making up more crazy stuff just fits the mold!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Just read the story about Andy Shallal's successful Washinton D.C. area small business "Busboys and Poets" and how he's having a hard time getting a loan from his bank so he can add 40 employees and expand his stores.
His annual revenues top $14 million, yet his bank won't loan him a dime unless he puts his house up as collateral. Hmm...I wonder if the guys who run AIG had to do that. Maybe if he changes the name of his business to, "Bank of America" they'll give it to him with no strings attached!!
His annual revenues top $14 million, yet his bank won't loan him a dime unless he puts his house up as collateral. Hmm...I wonder if the guys who run AIG had to do that. Maybe if he changes the name of his business to, "Bank of America" they'll give it to him with no strings attached!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Here we go again
How much media time will be given to Tiger Woods and his escapades? Who really cares?
Does anything he did affect you directly? Has his "playing around," as opposed to, playing a round, gotten you better healthcare, a stronger economy, the end to two wars, a job? So, here's a cure. Either call your media outlets and tell them to stop it already, or just turn 'em off.
Let Tiger do what he's gonna do ('cause he's gonna anyway). He's not payin' your bills I bet! And make the media deal with substance...REAL substance.
Does anything he did affect you directly? Has his "playing around," as opposed to, playing a round, gotten you better healthcare, a stronger economy, the end to two wars, a job? So, here's a cure. Either call your media outlets and tell them to stop it already, or just turn 'em off.
Let Tiger do what he's gonna do ('cause he's gonna anyway). He's not payin' your bills I bet! And make the media deal with substance...REAL substance.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
A book worth reading
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Afganistan and Healthcare - Yes, they're tied together
I'm not a big fan of sending our troops to die. What happened to all that sophisticated weaponry that's supposed to find people under rocks (that costs us a fortune). If only Bush wouldn't have sent forces to Iraq for his made-up war, our military resources would have been focused heavily on Afganistan from day one! And we might have been out of there by now. So...what's this gonna cost? Healthcare opponents will rubber stamp the billions for war, but they'll howl if that same money is spent on keeping us healthy.
Watch congress and listen to the rhetoric about this war. Especially from those who were so vocal about spending money on a government healthcare option. Because war is heavily privatized, and there's lots of contract to be given out and jobs to be created in their districts, these legislators will be gung-ho. Of course, those people who get the jobs (and those in their districts or states who don't), may be the same ones who will need healthcare...but congress doesn't see it that way.
Spend for their buddies, their buddies companies' shareholders, their re-election, and death. Health? Forget about it!
Watch congress and listen to the rhetoric about this war. Especially from those who were so vocal about spending money on a government healthcare option. Because war is heavily privatized, and there's lots of contract to be given out and jobs to be created in their districts, these legislators will be gung-ho. Of course, those people who get the jobs (and those in their districts or states who don't), may be the same ones who will need healthcare...but congress doesn't see it that way.
Spend for their buddies, their buddies companies' shareholders, their re-election, and death. Health? Forget about it!
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