Now...I have a way to use those numbers to help the world get rid of it dependency on fossil fuels and nuclear power. I know it isn't gonna happen in the U.S. because of all the special interest groups, lobbyists, money to politicains, and all the other corrupt crap that goes on in our governments. But...if one country could show the world the strength to legislate that all it's energy MUST come from sustainable sources by the year 2020, then perhaps, that'll start the ball rollin'.
Impossible you say - well maybe. But Equador just passed a constitution that gave rights to nature! So...why not take it to the next step?! In World War II the U.S. turned Detroit from a car manufacturing center, into a center of manufacturing tanks, planes, and other vehicles of war. And...within about 3 years and 8 months we deated the Axis powers. Just watch the "11th Hour" film for a bit more complete information.
If we could do it for war...someone should be about to do it for sustainability, health, and peace. And they'd have 2 1/2 times (in years) to do it!!
Let's go, our species is waiting!!
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