Observations about life, business, the political landscape, and anything else that affects our lives and helps us grow.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
A wish for the Holidays
Here's a wish that hasn't come true yet. But, let's give it another try. I wish for Peace, Love, Kindness, and Goodwill for every living being on this Earth!! And...that we finally figure out how to live in Harmony and with Respect for each other!!
Dan Goldberg, MBA, is President of Dan Goldberg Consulting L.L.C. a training, coaching and business development firm located in the Philadelphia, PA area. He is the founder and former owner of "For Eyes" the highly successful international optical company and an internationally recognized keynote speaker. Dan is the author of the book "Lighten Up and Lead," co-author, with Don Martin, of the book “The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Successful Leadership,” and author of "The Six Steps To Solid Sales Success™" and "The Seven Elements Of Successful Management™" programs. He is an adjunct professor at the Fox School of Business, Temple University and the Smeal College of Business, Penn State University. He is also the Chairman of the Dean’s Advisory Board, College of Business, Kutztown University. He has been the subject of stories in Newsweek, Business Week, Playboy, Successful Business, Investor’s Business Daily, and other major newspapers and magazines throughout the United States. In addition, Dan has appeared on Good Morning America and other national and local television and radio programs.
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