Sunday, February 1, 2009

For one can forget about the mess we're in

The Super Bowl (and yes, its commercials) is a diversion.
Sports may be the opiate of the people these days, but geez - it's sure needed.

I know that many of you couldn't give a crap about the Steelers, Cardinals or the trophy the winner gets. Hmm...I'm on the cusp about the whole thing. Yeah, if the Eagles were in it I may be more ramped up, but we do need somethin' to take our minds off the ecomonic garbage dump we're in.

Even people who don't know that the Arizona Cardinals play in the suburbs of Phoenix, will be partying like it's 2009.

An aside...I really believe that sports leagues shouldn't allow teams to be named after states or their nicknames. I'm still trying to figure out where the Tennessee Titans play. And do the Golden State Warriors (our old Philadelphia Warriors - see it's easy to know where they USED to reside) play in San Francisco or Oakland or someplace else in the Bay Area?

So, act goofy, make pretend that the outcome really means something (like the players will be paying your electric bill or your kid's or your tuition - a reference to my dad's quote), have fun, scream as if they can hear you. But don't get angry and do something stupid if "your" team loses. ''s really meaningless. Hate to break it to you all - but it is!

Oh yeah - and the New England Patriots play where?

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