Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Afganistan and Healthcare - Yes, they're tied together

I'm not a big fan of sending our troops to die. What happened to all that sophisticated weaponry that's supposed to find people under rocks (that costs us a fortune). If only Bush wouldn't have sent forces to Iraq for his made-up war, our military resources would have been focused heavily on Afganistan from day one! And we might have been out of there by now. So...what's this gonna cost? Healthcare opponents will rubber stamp the billions for war, but they'll howl if that same money is spent on keeping us healthy.

Watch congress and listen to the rhetoric about this war. Especially from those who were so vocal about spending money on a government healthcare option. Because war is heavily privatized, and there's lots of contract to be given out and jobs to be created in their districts, these legislators will be gung-ho. Of course, those people who get the jobs (and those in their districts or states who don't), may be the same ones who will need healthcare...but congress doesn't see it that way.

Spend for their buddies, their buddies companies' shareholders, their re-election, and death. Health? Forget about it!

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