Saturday, December 26, 2009

Healthcare reform and Copenhagen looks like we're gonna get some sort of healthcare reform. Wednesday's Senate vote showed us that the stalemate has been broken (at least from the Democrats' side of things). It's amazing to me that not 1 Republican voted for the proposal. Guess all of their constituants are already covered and they must not have any trouble paying for it either.

It remains to be seen as to what we Americans will eventually get, and when, but...the weakness of Copenhagen will have a effect on it.

How you ask? Hmm...ok, here goes. Since world leaders couldn't get it together to pass any effective legislation to prevent carbon emissions, people will continue to get higher rates of asthma and other pollution related illnesses. That, in turn, will create higher heathcare costs across the world, including here in the U.S.

So - if you want to help lower healthcare costs, lower pollution. By I expect anyone to connect the dots? Nah...that would be too easy! And, I guess get in the way of special interest groups too.

Take a deep breath (ok...maybe not too deep) and just wait as see what happens.

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