Saturday, December 19, 2009

A "breakthrough" on healthcare reform looks like the Democrats in the Senate have come to an agreement on the healthcare reform bill. Bill Nelson of Florida has given his support, while making sure that no government funds are used for abortions, which means - funding abortions will not be in the government option.

So, now that women have had some of their rights negotiated away by a man in Florida, it looks like the bill may pass.

How odd that we live in a system where a man (and a wealthy one at that) uses his power to pull away rights from women, in order to pass a bill that is supposed to help with everyone's health.

It won't affect him in any way. Nor, of course, his family. They can afford any plan they want. And...if one of his family members is raped, has knowledge of something within her pregnancy that may precipitate wanting, or needing, an abortion, or any other like situation...I'm sure they'd go right ahead and do it. But, I think it's pretty pompous of him to inject his religious beliefs into a situation that should enable people to be healthy, in all its forms. Especially those who can't afford a private option.

Geez, I hope he'll agree to increase the funding for education, school food programs, and other projects that will help the children of women who choose the government option, thrive in a healthy manner. Or will he be the first to block funds and say that these women shouldn't have too many children and ought to think about abstinence (as so many anti-abortion critics do).

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