Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Jilted by Verizon

Ehh...what can I say? I've been left at the alter by Mrs. Childress. Ok, so maybe she's already married but - she promised.

I was supposed to hear from her by 6:00 P.M. yesterday (see my post from March 10). Now I'm floating in the Verizon Solar System like an astronaut who's lost his grip on his space vehicle. Just drifting in the darkness towards the gravitational pull of the nearest heavenly body. Hmm...would that be Cavalier of me? Or perhaps Vontagesque?

I can see it now. Take your stinkin' voice mail system and insert it in your rocket booster! That's right...I'm thinkin' of abandoning ship. After years of being your buddy...through Bell Telephone, Bell Atlantic, and now the dreaded Verizon I've reached the precipice of the land line Black Hole. That all consuming energy source that sucks you in and spits you out into the other side of space, or...NOWHERE!! Ouch!

My mission awaits. All I have to do is figure out my strategy. I know...I'll call Mrs. Childress and leave her a voice mail! Hmm...I wonder if she'll ever be able to retrieve it. After all...she has Verizon (why do I feel like laughing one of those ghoulish laughs right now?!)


  1. I think they purposely send us in circles and make it hard to contact them hoping that most of us will just give up.

  2. Verizon also told the tanning salon I work at that they would have our phone line and credit up and running in a week, that was 3 weeks ago and still no phone. There always making promises they can't keep.

  3. I'm currently spreading the word about Verizon's customer service, or lack there of. My sister was actually debating on whether or not to switch from AT&T, but once I showed her your blog and the clip on YouTube she decided against it.
