Sunday, March 29, 2009

More Kudos for Peggy and Newman's Own

I e-mailed Peggy at Newman's Own Organics today to thank her for the quick response and the coupon. Figuring that she wouldn't get it 'til tomorrow I wanted her to know my appreciation.

Imagine my surprise when I received a reply from her a short time after sending my e-mail. It's amazing! Simply amazing.'s Sunday!!

Of this you can be assured...I will always recommend Newman's Own Organics for their premier customer service and desire to give their customers the best products and will also incorporate my experience with them in my customer service, sales, management, and related courses, workshops, and speeches.

Thanks again Peggy!!

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  1. Its good to know that there are still a few companies out there that are responsive to the consumer. I honestly believe that all business will change to meet the demands of the consumer. Each customer has the ability to send clear messages about what they want and the company (unless they are suffering from a group think superiority complex) will listen and change. This is done by making the choice about where you spend your dollar. Corporations are greedy and do not want to see you spend your money at a competitor. If they lose enough earnings, they will adapt to the needs of the customer or they will shut down. Either way, the result is the same, problem solved

  2. Good points John! I know that if companies don't respond to their customers needs their market share will drop yet some of them won't know why. There are still too many firms that are clueless about customer service, even in this economy. you said...hopefully they'll change (for the better).

  3. In today's economy, companies need to be customer service oriented in order to survive in business. If customers don't receive above standard services, they will go to the competitors in a split second. Businesses must constantly sustain the loyalty of their customers. Typically, we receive average services from a standard operating company; however, as soon as we come across one who is so responsive, we instantly jump for joy. I can so relate to your experience.

  4. Hue, It's amazing that what should be the norm has become the exception. The way Newman's Own took care of my situation was fantastic, yet so easy. It baffles me why other companies can't work with their customers in the same way.
