Thursday, March 19, 2009

A superb article about Verizon's lack of customer service

Here's a link that Courtney sent me. The article gets to the heart of my (and, so it seems, so many other's) problem.

1 comment:

  1. I disagree very much with the article. Verizon Is the Premier Cell Phone Provider for american people and business. Many other brands try to make sales by importing foreign phones and selling based on technology of the cell phones. That is where I would say the only place Verizon is lacking, but currently catching up with the blackberry storm and the new LG touchscreens. As for servive I have a family plan but In the past Ten years or so of service with them they have discounted my rates for continued use and I have maybe dropped 1 call ever. You should buy a cell phone for dependability, but features and technology are nice. As for customer service the phone support might be able to be better. but every time I have gone into a store I have been helped with every aspect of my problem quickly.
    -Geoff Korfin
