Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Happy 2010!!
I wish you all A Very Happy, Healthy, Prosperous, and Joyful New Year!! May your 2010also be filled with lots of love and laughter AND may you always keep your eyeonthings!!
Need some insights on an old problem
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A negative headline to a positive story
Why do news organization insist upon putting a negative spin on positive stories. a former owner of a Marketing, Management, Advertising, and Public Relations firm (Goldberg Strunk and Levy), I know the old media saying, "If it bleeds, it leads." And that's why murder, rape, disasters, and the like, get top billing on news shows and other forms of media.
Today's headline on is a perfect case. "Russia to develop offensive weapons to keep balance with U.S." really sounds ominous. Hide the family, shut the schools, buy up all the bread and milk...the Russians are coming!!
But, if you read the text of the story, you get an entirely different perspective.'s even POSITIVE! So - the question remains. Why didn't they create a positive headline. Why? 'Cause..."If it bleeds, it leads!" Remember that and, as I like to say. Don't believe anything you read, see, or hear - do your own research!!
Here's the link to the story:
Today's headline on is a perfect case. "Russia to develop offensive weapons to keep balance with U.S." really sounds ominous. Hide the family, shut the schools, buy up all the bread and milk...the Russians are coming!!
But, if you read the text of the story, you get an entirely different perspective.'s even POSITIVE! So - the question remains. Why didn't they create a positive headline. Why? 'Cause..."If it bleeds, it leads!" Remember that and, as I like to say. Don't believe anything you read, see, or hear - do your own research!!
Here's the link to the story:
Sunday, December 27, 2009
My thoughts on how to create the perfect vision for energy sustainability
We all know that 20/20 is perfect vision. As a trained optician I've had first hand experience of working with people to get them to that 20/20 level.
Now...I have a way to use those numbers to help the world get rid of it dependency on fossil fuels and nuclear power. I know it isn't gonna happen in the U.S. because of all the special interest groups, lobbyists, money to politicains, and all the other corrupt crap that goes on in our governments. But...if one country could show the world the strength to legislate that all it's energy MUST come from sustainable sources by the year 2020, then perhaps, that'll start the ball rollin'.
Impossible you say - well maybe. But Equador just passed a constitution that gave rights to nature! So...why not take it to the next step?! In World War II the U.S. turned Detroit from a car manufacturing center, into a center of manufacturing tanks, planes, and other vehicles of war. And...within about 3 years and 8 months we deated the Axis powers. Just watch the "11th Hour" film for a bit more complete information.
If we could do it for war...someone should be about to do it for sustainability, health, and peace. And they'd have 2 1/2 times (in years) to do it!!
Let's go, our species is waiting!!
Now...I have a way to use those numbers to help the world get rid of it dependency on fossil fuels and nuclear power. I know it isn't gonna happen in the U.S. because of all the special interest groups, lobbyists, money to politicains, and all the other corrupt crap that goes on in our governments. But...if one country could show the world the strength to legislate that all it's energy MUST come from sustainable sources by the year 2020, then perhaps, that'll start the ball rollin'.
Impossible you say - well maybe. But Equador just passed a constitution that gave rights to nature! So...why not take it to the next step?! In World War II the U.S. turned Detroit from a car manufacturing center, into a center of manufacturing tanks, planes, and other vehicles of war. And...within about 3 years and 8 months we deated the Axis powers. Just watch the "11th Hour" film for a bit more complete information.
If we could do it for war...someone should be about to do it for sustainability, health, and peace. And they'd have 2 1/2 times (in years) to do it!!
Let's go, our species is waiting!!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Healthcare reform and Copenhagen looks like we're gonna get some sort of healthcare reform. Wednesday's Senate vote showed us that the stalemate has been broken (at least from the Democrats' side of things). It's amazing to me that not 1 Republican voted for the proposal. Guess all of their constituants are already covered and they must not have any trouble paying for it either.
It remains to be seen as to what we Americans will eventually get, and when, but...the weakness of Copenhagen will have a effect on it.
How you ask? Hmm...ok, here goes. Since world leaders couldn't get it together to pass any effective legislation to prevent carbon emissions, people will continue to get higher rates of asthma and other pollution related illnesses. That, in turn, will create higher heathcare costs across the world, including here in the U.S.
So - if you want to help lower healthcare costs, lower pollution. By I expect anyone to connect the dots? Nah...that would be too easy! And, I guess get in the way of special interest groups too.
Take a deep breath (ok...maybe not too deep) and just wait as see what happens.
It remains to be seen as to what we Americans will eventually get, and when, but...the weakness of Copenhagen will have a effect on it.
How you ask? Hmm...ok, here goes. Since world leaders couldn't get it together to pass any effective legislation to prevent carbon emissions, people will continue to get higher rates of asthma and other pollution related illnesses. That, in turn, will create higher heathcare costs across the world, including here in the U.S.
So - if you want to help lower healthcare costs, lower pollution. By I expect anyone to connect the dots? Nah...that would be too easy! And, I guess get in the way of special interest groups too.
Take a deep breath (ok...maybe not too deep) and just wait as see what happens.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
A wish for the Holidays
Monday, December 21, 2009
The Tanna
After watching hours of "Meet the Natives" on the History Channel and marveling at the insights of the 5 men who represented the South Pacific tribe on their trip to the United States to bring a message of peace, I reflected on some of their quotes.
While visiting an Army base in Georgia (Fort Stewart), the men mentioned that, "We had stopped using weapons in the time of our grandfathers." And when shown how the soldiers hone their firing and weaponry skills using simulated computer games they replied, "These kind of games will lead them to war."
Pretty astute stuff from people we'd call "Primitive." If only we were all more like them.
There was so much more about their trip to the states, the families they stayed with, and what the experience meant to both the Tanna and the Americans they "touched," that if you ever get a chance to watch it...please do.
While visiting an Army base in Georgia (Fort Stewart), the men mentioned that, "We had stopped using weapons in the time of our grandfathers." And when shown how the soldiers hone their firing and weaponry skills using simulated computer games they replied, "These kind of games will lead them to war."
Pretty astute stuff from people we'd call "Primitive." If only we were all more like them.
There was so much more about their trip to the states, the families they stayed with, and what the experience meant to both the Tanna and the Americans they "touched," that if you ever get a chance to watch it...please do.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Join me on facebook and twitter
Well...I've done it. I'm following Gary Vaynerchuk's advice, that he wrote about in his book Crush It! I'm on twitter at:, have a facebook fan page at:, and have a new facebook group, "Mastering enLightened Leadership™" at:
I hope you'll join me at all three venues. Look forward to seeing and hearing from you soon!
I hope you'll join me at all three venues. Look forward to seeing and hearing from you soon!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
A "breakthrough" on healthcare reform looks like the Democrats in the Senate have come to an agreement on the healthcare reform bill. Bill Nelson of Florida has given his support, while making sure that no government funds are used for abortions, which means - funding abortions will not be in the government option.
So, now that women have had some of their rights negotiated away by a man in Florida, it looks like the bill may pass.
How odd that we live in a system where a man (and a wealthy one at that) uses his power to pull away rights from women, in order to pass a bill that is supposed to help with everyone's health.
It won't affect him in any way. Nor, of course, his family. They can afford any plan they want. And...if one of his family members is raped, has knowledge of something within her pregnancy that may precipitate wanting, or needing, an abortion, or any other like situation...I'm sure they'd go right ahead and do it. But, I think it's pretty pompous of him to inject his religious beliefs into a situation that should enable people to be healthy, in all its forms. Especially those who can't afford a private option.
Geez, I hope he'll agree to increase the funding for education, school food programs, and other projects that will help the children of women who choose the government option, thrive in a healthy manner. Or will he be the first to block funds and say that these women shouldn't have too many children and ought to think about abstinence (as so many anti-abortion critics do).
So, now that women have had some of their rights negotiated away by a man in Florida, it looks like the bill may pass.
How odd that we live in a system where a man (and a wealthy one at that) uses his power to pull away rights from women, in order to pass a bill that is supposed to help with everyone's health.
It won't affect him in any way. Nor, of course, his family. They can afford any plan they want. And...if one of his family members is raped, has knowledge of something within her pregnancy that may precipitate wanting, or needing, an abortion, or any other like situation...I'm sure they'd go right ahead and do it. But, I think it's pretty pompous of him to inject his religious beliefs into a situation that should enable people to be healthy, in all its forms. Especially those who can't afford a private option.
Geez, I hope he'll agree to increase the funding for education, school food programs, and other projects that will help the children of women who choose the government option, thrive in a healthy manner. Or will he be the first to block funds and say that these women shouldn't have too many children and ought to think about abstinence (as so many anti-abortion critics do).
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
A solution to the healthcare bill
Here's my simple solution to the healthcare bill's passage in the U.S.
Take away the government healthcare benefits that every member of the House and Senate (and their dependents) receives. Don't allow them to be reinstated until a healthcare bill is passed.
I think you'll see a greater sense of urgency...don't you?!
Take away the government healthcare benefits that every member of the House and Senate (and their dependents) receives. Don't allow them to be reinstated until a healthcare bill is passed.
I think you'll see a greater sense of urgency...don't you?!
Monday, December 14, 2009
How Citigroup is repaying TARP
Citigroup said that it's going to pay back $20 Billion in TARP funds it received by selling more common stock ($17 Billion worth) and taking on more debt.
Hold it...isn't the debt part one of the reasons they got in the crapper to begin with?
So, to all of you who deal with out for more hidden fees, higher credit card interest rates (at least until the new law kicks in), and other shenanigans. In a financial system that's completely made up...making up more crazy stuff just fits the mold!
Hold it...isn't the debt part one of the reasons they got in the crapper to begin with?
So, to all of you who deal with out for more hidden fees, higher credit card interest rates (at least until the new law kicks in), and other shenanigans. In a financial system that's completely made up...making up more crazy stuff just fits the mold!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Just read the story about Andy Shallal's successful Washinton D.C. area small business "Busboys and Poets" and how he's having a hard time getting a loan from his bank so he can add 40 employees and expand his stores.
His annual revenues top $14 million, yet his bank won't loan him a dime unless he puts his house up as collateral. Hmm...I wonder if the guys who run AIG had to do that. Maybe if he changes the name of his business to, "Bank of America" they'll give it to him with no strings attached!!
His annual revenues top $14 million, yet his bank won't loan him a dime unless he puts his house up as collateral. Hmm...I wonder if the guys who run AIG had to do that. Maybe if he changes the name of his business to, "Bank of America" they'll give it to him with no strings attached!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Here we go again
How much media time will be given to Tiger Woods and his escapades? Who really cares?
Does anything he did affect you directly? Has his "playing around," as opposed to, playing a round, gotten you better healthcare, a stronger economy, the end to two wars, a job? So, here's a cure. Either call your media outlets and tell them to stop it already, or just turn 'em off.
Let Tiger do what he's gonna do ('cause he's gonna anyway). He's not payin' your bills I bet! And make the media deal with substance...REAL substance.
Does anything he did affect you directly? Has his "playing around," as opposed to, playing a round, gotten you better healthcare, a stronger economy, the end to two wars, a job? So, here's a cure. Either call your media outlets and tell them to stop it already, or just turn 'em off.
Let Tiger do what he's gonna do ('cause he's gonna anyway). He's not payin' your bills I bet! And make the media deal with substance...REAL substance.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
A book worth reading
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Afganistan and Healthcare - Yes, they're tied together
I'm not a big fan of sending our troops to die. What happened to all that sophisticated weaponry that's supposed to find people under rocks (that costs us a fortune). If only Bush wouldn't have sent forces to Iraq for his made-up war, our military resources would have been focused heavily on Afganistan from day one! And we might have been out of there by now. So...what's this gonna cost? Healthcare opponents will rubber stamp the billions for war, but they'll howl if that same money is spent on keeping us healthy.
Watch congress and listen to the rhetoric about this war. Especially from those who were so vocal about spending money on a government healthcare option. Because war is heavily privatized, and there's lots of contract to be given out and jobs to be created in their districts, these legislators will be gung-ho. Of course, those people who get the jobs (and those in their districts or states who don't), may be the same ones who will need healthcare...but congress doesn't see it that way.
Spend for their buddies, their buddies companies' shareholders, their re-election, and death. Health? Forget about it!
Watch congress and listen to the rhetoric about this war. Especially from those who were so vocal about spending money on a government healthcare option. Because war is heavily privatized, and there's lots of contract to be given out and jobs to be created in their districts, these legislators will be gung-ho. Of course, those people who get the jobs (and those in their districts or states who don't), may be the same ones who will need healthcare...but congress doesn't see it that way.
Spend for their buddies, their buddies companies' shareholders, their re-election, and death. Health? Forget about it!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Check this out...something America should be part of - and is!
I've posted this on both of my blogs: Taken from -
ALBA Social Summit in Bolivia Soon
By Prensa
News Article
Tuesday, Oct 6, 2009
Representantives of social movements from 40 countries are expected to attend the 1st Summit of Councils of Social Movements of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas (ALBA) in Bolivia on October 15-17.
Executive Secretary of the Single Farmer Union Confederation of Bolivia (CSUTCB), Isaac Avalos, said that indigenous and work leaders, as well as workers from different countries, including the United States, India and others from Europe, have been invited to make their experiences known.
The meeting of social movements will be held as a sideline to the 7th Summit of heads of State of ALBA, scheduled for the Bolivian city of Cochabamba.
Issues to be discussed in work committees include community economy, climate change, systematic involvement in projects and the theory backing up the ALBA-Trade Agreement of the Peoples.
Agreements and resolutions reached in the seven work tables will be presented to presidents and representatives of member countries. Of this regional integration mechanism, the farmer leader explained.
Bolivian Minister of Cultures Pablo Groux, who is a member of the organizing committee, said on Sunday that a highlight of will be an encounter of the presidents and the social movements, scheduled for October 17 in the afternoon at the Felix Capriles stadium in Cochabamba, also the venue of the closing ceremony.
He added that besides ALBA member countries (Ecuador, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Dominica, Honduras, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Antigua and Barbuda), delegations of Uruguay, Paraguay, the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Russia are expected to attend as guests.
Another sideline of the meeting will be a gathering of small businesspeople and artists from ALBA member countries.
ALBA Social Summit in Bolivia Soon
By Prensa
News Article
Tuesday, Oct 6, 2009
Representantives of social movements from 40 countries are expected to attend the 1st Summit of Councils of Social Movements of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas (ALBA) in Bolivia on October 15-17.
Executive Secretary of the Single Farmer Union Confederation of Bolivia (CSUTCB), Isaac Avalos, said that indigenous and work leaders, as well as workers from different countries, including the United States, India and others from Europe, have been invited to make their experiences known.
The meeting of social movements will be held as a sideline to the 7th Summit of heads of State of ALBA, scheduled for the Bolivian city of Cochabamba.
Issues to be discussed in work committees include community economy, climate change, systematic involvement in projects and the theory backing up the ALBA-Trade Agreement of the Peoples.
Agreements and resolutions reached in the seven work tables will be presented to presidents and representatives of member countries. Of this regional integration mechanism, the farmer leader explained.
Bolivian Minister of Cultures Pablo Groux, who is a member of the organizing committee, said on Sunday that a highlight of will be an encounter of the presidents and the social movements, scheduled for October 17 in the afternoon at the Felix Capriles stadium in Cochabamba, also the venue of the closing ceremony.
He added that besides ALBA member countries (Ecuador, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Dominica, Honduras, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Antigua and Barbuda), delegations of Uruguay, Paraguay, the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Russia are expected to attend as guests.
Another sideline of the meeting will be a gathering of small businesspeople and artists from ALBA member countries.
Friday, October 9, 2009
It's time to look at the economy differently
As many of you know, I tend to have a different view of life. And...that includes the economy. Recently, one of my students sent me a wonderful article that enunciates many of my beliefs: Douglas Rushkoff's "Economics Is Not A Natural Science" is a thoughtful look into what too many people take as real - our economy.
I've said many time that most of the things that govern our lives are really made-up games. This article addresses that idea. I hope you enjoy it!
Please click on the link below or cut and paste it into your browser.
I've said many time that most of the things that govern our lives are really made-up games. This article addresses that idea. I hope you enjoy it!
Please click on the link below or cut and paste it into your browser.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Here's to a winner!!
Ann Minch took on Bank of America and their outrageous credit card interest rates and won. Her youtube video is getting huge numbers of views and she's got more things coming! It's amazing how the banks are getting their money for 0% (or very close to it) and charging people fees on credit cards that most folks would consider loan sharking rates, if they weren't given the "legal" status they have from the government. service fees are also totally outlandish.
Nice to see Ann using her ingenuity to put together a movement!!
Watch her video: the link is below. A thank you goes to Dirk for sending it my way!
Nice to see Ann using her ingenuity to put together a movement!!
Watch her video: the link is below. A thank you goes to Dirk for sending it my way!
Monday, September 14, 2009
This is nuts!
The owner of the Newark (NJ) Bears baseball club (which is in an Independent League), threw out three teenagers because they didn't stand during the playing of God Bless America. WHAT?!!!!
The guy went over to the three, who were sitting behind home plate, and said that no one sits during the playing of God Bless America and threw them out of the ballpark.
I don't get this at all, from many different aspects.
First...where is it written that anyone has to stand during any song, even The National Anthem. It's not an obligation, it's a choice.
Second...the whole idea of the song is freedom. Isn't that what America stands for? Which mean that those three people are free to NOT stand.
Third...when did they start playing God Bless America at ballparks anyway? It was always The National Anthem at the beginning of the game and Take Me Out To The Ball Game during the 7th inning stretch. After 9/11/2001 baseball teams added God Bless America (which many have sinced dropped...I think it became a bit much). you stand for either song at home. I don't think so. Of course they both evoke patriotism and nationalism (and in some with Mr. Newark Bears - jingoism).
The end of the story hasn't been decided, since the three young baseball fans are suing (and, from my belief...rightly so) Mr. Bear for, I assume, their civil rights being violated. How ironic is that!!
Ahh...America! How great is that!!
The guy went over to the three, who were sitting behind home plate, and said that no one sits during the playing of God Bless America and threw them out of the ballpark.
I don't get this at all, from many different aspects.
First...where is it written that anyone has to stand during any song, even The National Anthem. It's not an obligation, it's a choice.
Second...the whole idea of the song is freedom. Isn't that what America stands for? Which mean that those three people are free to NOT stand.
Third...when did they start playing God Bless America at ballparks anyway? It was always The National Anthem at the beginning of the game and Take Me Out To The Ball Game during the 7th inning stretch. After 9/11/2001 baseball teams added God Bless America (which many have sinced dropped...I think it became a bit much). you stand for either song at home. I don't think so. Of course they both evoke patriotism and nationalism (and in some with Mr. Newark Bears - jingoism).
The end of the story hasn't been decided, since the three young baseball fans are suing (and, from my belief...rightly so) Mr. Bear for, I assume, their civil rights being violated. How ironic is that!!
Ahh...America! How great is that!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Moronic behavior on the floor of congress
Congressman Joe Wilson's (R-SC) behavior last night was not just uncalled for, it was also bizarre. The guys yells "You lie" at President Obama, during his speech, after the President's comment that illegal immigrants won't benefit from his healthcare proposal.
First of all, congressional leaders just don't do that. Secondly, if anyone was going to yell out "You lie"...the Democrats certainly had their opportunities to do that when President Bush spoke about his reasons to go to war in Iraq, yet they constrained themselves. Thirdly, it amazes me that people will lose it when someone speaks about a bill that will actually help the citizens of the United States, yet those same individuals will go along with all sorts of contorted legislation concocted to build weapons to kill people, line the pockets of themselves and their cronies, and/or build needless projects that waste billons of dollars.
Americans need to see these people for what they are. Selfish folks who work hand-in-hand with special interest groups to either maintain the status quo, or make things worse. All the while hurting the average citizen.
It's time to say, "Enough!"
First of all, congressional leaders just don't do that. Secondly, if anyone was going to yell out "You lie"...the Democrats certainly had their opportunities to do that when President Bush spoke about his reasons to go to war in Iraq, yet they constrained themselves. Thirdly, it amazes me that people will lose it when someone speaks about a bill that will actually help the citizens of the United States, yet those same individuals will go along with all sorts of contorted legislation concocted to build weapons to kill people, line the pockets of themselves and their cronies, and/or build needless projects that waste billons of dollars.
Americans need to see these people for what they are. Selfish folks who work hand-in-hand with special interest groups to either maintain the status quo, or make things worse. All the while hurting the average citizen.
It's time to say, "Enough!"
Monday, September 7, 2009
Welcome to Autumn!
The summer is now unofficially over, and even though the calendar says that Autumn doesn’t start until the 22nd…we all know that it begins tomorrow. My Labor Day was a mix of spending time with a couple of good friends, having some wonderful food and wine, and watching the Phillies play, what wound up to be, a terrible game. Somewhere in Houston, Chris Coste is laughing his Astros off! I still don’t understand why managers care about pitch counts. Jamie Moyer was pitching great, hadn’t thrown in a game since the Jewish year 5765 (or so it seemed), and still Charlie takes him out. Help me understand that!
I’m ready for Anthony Bourdain to take me to the Outer Boroughs of New York City at 10:00 tonight. He has the OTHER job I really want! Why he hasn’t been to Philly yet, I just don’t get. I’ll watch the show, maybe have some more wine, a bit of cheese, light a candle, and monk out. Tomorrow…Fall begins and while the coolness has already begun to permeate the air, it won’t be long before our tee-shirts will be sweaters, and kids will be ringing doorbells for Halloween treats. There’s something refreshing about the change of seasons. It renews the soul and keeps the cycle intact.
I’m ready for Anthony Bourdain to take me to the Outer Boroughs of New York City at 10:00 tonight. He has the OTHER job I really want! Why he hasn’t been to Philly yet, I just don’t get. I’ll watch the show, maybe have some more wine, a bit of cheese, light a candle, and monk out. Tomorrow…Fall begins and while the coolness has already begun to permeate the air, it won’t be long before our tee-shirts will be sweaters, and kids will be ringing doorbells for Halloween treats. There’s something refreshing about the change of seasons. It renews the soul and keeps the cycle intact.
Monday, August 17, 2009
A New "Ribbon" For The Back Of Your Car!
There seems to be a magnetic car "ribbon" for every possible cause. Autism, Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Support Our Troops, and so many others. hit me while driving home from my mom's yesterday that we need one that says, "Support Our Health." Yeah...that's right, out health.
After being behind a "Support Our Troops" ribbon for about a mile I realized that people have no problem supporting the troops our government sends overseas to fight distant wars. We let a government agency use our taxes (trillions of dollars) to administer conflicts in countries that they deem to be a threat. And, we all know what war does. People get killed and injured (both physically and mentally). And the government spends our tax dollars to put together the "machine" to keep it going. As President Eisenhower said, "Beware of the Military-Industrial Complex."'s there. And - seems to be deeply imbedded in our society.
So, how come people have such a hard time with a government agency promoting and administering health?! Shouldn't we want our government putting the same effort, and tax dollars, towards the U.S. population's health as it does towards the pursuit of war (not to mention the re-building of foreign countries, including the infrastruction we destroy). Geez...all we'd have to do is end one of those wars and we'd have more than enough money to make our population feel better taken care of (with less of a financial burden on individuals and families).
I know people talk about additional taxes (which I just illustrated how NOT to have). But...think about your health insurance bills, aren't they just privatized taxes. How come no on mentions that?
Well, now it's time for a new "Ribbon." "Support Our Health." I think Red, White, and Blue would be a good combination. After all, what could possibly be more patriotic than a healthy America! hit me while driving home from my mom's yesterday that we need one that says, "Support Our Health." Yeah...that's right, out health.
After being behind a "Support Our Troops" ribbon for about a mile I realized that people have no problem supporting the troops our government sends overseas to fight distant wars. We let a government agency use our taxes (trillions of dollars) to administer conflicts in countries that they deem to be a threat. And, we all know what war does. People get killed and injured (both physically and mentally). And the government spends our tax dollars to put together the "machine" to keep it going. As President Eisenhower said, "Beware of the Military-Industrial Complex."'s there. And - seems to be deeply imbedded in our society.
So, how come people have such a hard time with a government agency promoting and administering health?! Shouldn't we want our government putting the same effort, and tax dollars, towards the U.S. population's health as it does towards the pursuit of war (not to mention the re-building of foreign countries, including the infrastruction we destroy). Geez...all we'd have to do is end one of those wars and we'd have more than enough money to make our population feel better taken care of (with less of a financial burden on individuals and families).
I know people talk about additional taxes (which I just illustrated how NOT to have). But...think about your health insurance bills, aren't they just privatized taxes. How come no on mentions that?
Well, now it's time for a new "Ribbon." "Support Our Health." I think Red, White, and Blue would be a good combination. After all, what could possibly be more patriotic than a healthy America!
Friday, August 14, 2009
A Vicktory for the Philadelphia Eagles
Well...the Eagles have signed Michael Vick and I've listened to all the critics and those who applaud the decision.
I must admit, I'm happy that the Eagles signed Vick and frankly don't understand those who still harbor ill will towards the man. Did he do a terrible, horrible thing? Absolutely. Did he pay the price by going to Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary (not your country club variety white collar prison) - yes. Has this whole sad situation caused him to go bankrupt - yes. Does everyone deserve a second chance...positively.
Michael Vick now works with the Humane Society speaking out on their behalf. He's learned a very expensive lesson. If he proves that he's not worthy, then he will have failed no one more than himself. But from all the feedback on him, including interviews with his mentor, Tony Dungy, the NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell and seems like this young man has turned his life around.
And...the Eagles have added clauses to his contract that stipulate his off-the-field behavior as well as his on-the-field performance.
So, here's to everyone who has ever made a mistake (big or small), and...let's hear it for Michael Vick and wish him the best of luck!
I must admit, I'm happy that the Eagles signed Vick and frankly don't understand those who still harbor ill will towards the man. Did he do a terrible, horrible thing? Absolutely. Did he pay the price by going to Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary (not your country club variety white collar prison) - yes. Has this whole sad situation caused him to go bankrupt - yes. Does everyone deserve a second chance...positively.
Michael Vick now works with the Humane Society speaking out on their behalf. He's learned a very expensive lesson. If he proves that he's not worthy, then he will have failed no one more than himself. But from all the feedback on him, including interviews with his mentor, Tony Dungy, the NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell and seems like this young man has turned his life around.
And...the Eagles have added clauses to his contract that stipulate his off-the-field behavior as well as his on-the-field performance.
So, here's to everyone who has ever made a mistake (big or small), and...let's hear it for Michael Vick and wish him the best of luck!
Monday, August 10, 2009
A must watch video that impacts everyone
Here's a video about our healthcare system. It's Bill Moyers interviewing Wendell Potter, a former Vice President of Cigna. Wendell really spells things out about our for-profit system and why health insurance companies will do just about anything to prevent a government option from becoming a reality. Oh...the thirst for profit over people. How devious it is.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Is this what love is?
A church in South Carolina has posted a sign on its lawn stating "Islam is of the Devil." Huh? Wait a second...aren't churches supposed to preach love and tolerance!? What the heck is the place thinkin'? What's next?? Who's the next group to be a target of the wrath of this preacher and his flock?
Ahh...religion. What a wonderful, loving, embracing, institution - as long as you agree with that particular doctrine or dogma you're fine. But if you believe in another out, hate is on the way!
Crazy, isn't it?!
Ahh...religion. What a wonderful, loving, embracing, institution - as long as you agree with that particular doctrine or dogma you're fine. But if you believe in another out, hate is on the way!
Crazy, isn't it?!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
The King of Pop and The Supreme Leader
The last week has seen its share of death and drama. Way too many people have died in Iran and here in the states (including local and international celebraties and others in my circle of "family.").
But it's curious how the media can brush aside what they have been covering in depth - the election in Iran and its aftermath and go into hours upon hours on the subject of Michael Jackson's passing.
I was and continue to be a fan of the "gloved one" and yet am quite aware, as my friend Alan posted on my facebook page a few days ago, "Michael Jackson's grotesque weirdnesses far overshadow his talent." Perhaps a bit harsh (as another post noted), but not far off. Jackson was immensely talented...probably one of the best at his craft. However, somewhere deep inside of him was an abounding insecurity that lead him to do some strange things.
Which enables me to move into the subject of the strangeness of our media. Last evening I channel surfed for quite some time to find out the latest news on Iran. From BBC America to CNN to MSNBC to (yes even) FOX and none of them even mentioned the story that they had been covering so intensely for the past week or so. None could tell me what's happening to the Persian people...none.
We are fixated on celebrity in this country to the point where it seems to overshadow things that can and do really affect our lives. I know that Micheal Jackson was an enormous figure in the world of music and that Farah Fawcett had a large and admiring fan base.
But, to not be able to hear what is happening in an area that can impact the world at large, because the television news media keeps repeating the same things over and over and over again about "The King of Pop" while "The Supreme Leader of Iran" talks execution of the protest leaders (read that on the internet) is indicative of how our society has evolved.
Celebrity over substance tends to numb the mind and retard substantive knowledge.
May their souls rest in peace while we try to create it here on earth.
But it's curious how the media can brush aside what they have been covering in depth - the election in Iran and its aftermath and go into hours upon hours on the subject of Michael Jackson's passing.
I was and continue to be a fan of the "gloved one" and yet am quite aware, as my friend Alan posted on my facebook page a few days ago, "Michael Jackson's grotesque weirdnesses far overshadow his talent." Perhaps a bit harsh (as another post noted), but not far off. Jackson was immensely talented...probably one of the best at his craft. However, somewhere deep inside of him was an abounding insecurity that lead him to do some strange things.
Which enables me to move into the subject of the strangeness of our media. Last evening I channel surfed for quite some time to find out the latest news on Iran. From BBC America to CNN to MSNBC to (yes even) FOX and none of them even mentioned the story that they had been covering so intensely for the past week or so. None could tell me what's happening to the Persian people...none.
We are fixated on celebrity in this country to the point where it seems to overshadow things that can and do really affect our lives. I know that Micheal Jackson was an enormous figure in the world of music and that Farah Fawcett had a large and admiring fan base.
But, to not be able to hear what is happening in an area that can impact the world at large, because the television news media keeps repeating the same things over and over and over again about "The King of Pop" while "The Supreme Leader of Iran" talks execution of the protest leaders (read that on the internet) is indicative of how our society has evolved.
Celebrity over substance tends to numb the mind and retard substantive knowledge.
May their souls rest in peace while we try to create it here on earth.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
My solution for the Phillies
Here's how I see the Phillies home woes turning around.
From now on, they should where their away uniforms and bat first at every Citizens Bank Park game. All those in attendance should show up for the games in the opposing teams colors, or without any Phillies garb. If we pretend that it's an away game then...voila - the chances of a victory should be WAY better!!
From now on, they should where their away uniforms and bat first at every Citizens Bank Park game. All those in attendance should show up for the games in the opposing teams colors, or without any Phillies garb. If we pretend that it's an away game then...voila - the chances of a victory should be WAY better!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Facebooking and tweeting Iran
It's amazing how social networking sites have impacted the situation in Iran. People "broadcast" pictures, videos, and meeting sites to their fellow citizens and the world. Who would have thought the a tweet here, a "what are you doing now" there, and a post everywhere, could change the face of the way a country and the world view an election.
CNN uses iReposters, and youtube gets videos from inside Iran. Does this mean we, as a political and social world, are changed forever? How could these things have affected the 2000 U.S. elections. Could it be possible that exit polls can now be twittered (or tweeted) so that we can actually have voters telling the networks (both in the media and socially) how they've voted; enabling us to get more accurate results?
How the political and social stage is changed from here on out will be incredible to watch. Post me, tweet me, blog me, facebook me, text me...geez, things sure have changed since the days of "gimme a call!"
CNN uses iReposters, and youtube gets videos from inside Iran. Does this mean we, as a political and social world, are changed forever? How could these things have affected the 2000 U.S. elections. Could it be possible that exit polls can now be twittered (or tweeted) so that we can actually have voters telling the networks (both in the media and socially) how they've voted; enabling us to get more accurate results?
How the political and social stage is changed from here on out will be incredible to watch. Post me, tweet me, blog me, facebook me, text me...geez, things sure have changed since the days of "gimme a call!"
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
More Hate
I don't get it. Maybe it's this pea brain of mine but...why would someone walk into the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington and open fire?
From all reports James W. von Brunn, a white supremacist, is an anti-Semitic who believes that the Holocaust is/was a hoax.
Hmm...let's see here. There are a little over 13 million Jews (that's 5 million people FEWER than the population of greater metropolitan New York City) in the world (in a population of over 6.7 BILLION). Which means the Holocaust translates into the deaths of what now would be almost 1/2 the entire Jewish population of the world and this guy thinks somebody made it up!! You gotta be kiddin' me! And, he wants to kill even more!!
Go tell the people who lost their families. In fact...that doesn't take into consideration the Pogroms in Russia (where more Jews were murdered - just for being Jewish...including my great aunt), or the Inquisition (another period, among many, when being a Jew was not a good thing) when so many were forced to convert that if they all went back to being Jewish there'd be A LOT more Jews in this world.
But, back to James W. von Brunn. What makes someone hate that much? Where does that mental state come from? What kind of propaganda can create a mind that believes that Jews, or for that matter any other group, whether religious, ethnic, or "racial" is not as qualified to live on this planet in peace and prosperity as another?
Remember, religion is a belief system, not a "race" or ethic group. And...that "race" and ethnicity are social concepts. So, I guess that means - if you feed people enough distorted stuff about a socially conceptually devised group you can create your own little socially warped concept about them and then figure you're better than they are AND therefore you might as well de-humanize them and spread hate.
Geez, sounds like what all wars play into. Hmm...this hate thing just keeps goin' round and round.
13 million compared to 6.7 billion...doesn't sound like a threat to me. But then again, I've spent my life disavowing the concept of hate.
Oh, and props to President Obama and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (an American Muslim organization) for condemning the attacks.
And, every once in a while listen to John Lennon's "Imagine" for a reality check. Just remember what the Beatles said, "All you need is love." Well, I can hope...can't I?!
From all reports James W. von Brunn, a white supremacist, is an anti-Semitic who believes that the Holocaust is/was a hoax.
Hmm...let's see here. There are a little over 13 million Jews (that's 5 million people FEWER than the population of greater metropolitan New York City) in the world (in a population of over 6.7 BILLION). Which means the Holocaust translates into the deaths of what now would be almost 1/2 the entire Jewish population of the world and this guy thinks somebody made it up!! You gotta be kiddin' me! And, he wants to kill even more!!
Go tell the people who lost their families. In fact...that doesn't take into consideration the Pogroms in Russia (where more Jews were murdered - just for being Jewish...including my great aunt), or the Inquisition (another period, among many, when being a Jew was not a good thing) when so many were forced to convert that if they all went back to being Jewish there'd be A LOT more Jews in this world.
But, back to James W. von Brunn. What makes someone hate that much? Where does that mental state come from? What kind of propaganda can create a mind that believes that Jews, or for that matter any other group, whether religious, ethnic, or "racial" is not as qualified to live on this planet in peace and prosperity as another?
Remember, religion is a belief system, not a "race" or ethic group. And...that "race" and ethnicity are social concepts. So, I guess that means - if you feed people enough distorted stuff about a socially conceptually devised group you can create your own little socially warped concept about them and then figure you're better than they are AND therefore you might as well de-humanize them and spread hate.
Geez, sounds like what all wars play into. Hmm...this hate thing just keeps goin' round and round.
13 million compared to 6.7 billion...doesn't sound like a threat to me. But then again, I've spent my life disavowing the concept of hate.
Oh, and props to President Obama and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (an American Muslim organization) for condemning the attacks.
And, every once in a while listen to John Lennon's "Imagine" for a reality check. Just remember what the Beatles said, "All you need is love." Well, I can hope...can't I?!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Some thoughts about our world since my last post
Well friends...I'm back. It's been a while since my last post. Classes ended and a new Summer Session began. So, I figured I'd take some time off. Now it's time to vent a bit.
It's ironic that a killer would abort someone's life in the name of stopping abortions. What the heck is that about?! When Scott Roeder assassinated Dr. George Tiller it just proves how absurd and twisted our society has become. Kinda like eating all the cows on earth to help spread vegetarianism. I guess the reasoning would be that the fewer animals the better chance of not eating them. So...keep eating 'em 'til there's none left! Then, of course, we'd all be forced to be a vegetarian.
Ok, so maybe the entire ecosystem would get totally screwed up, but we'd have no choice but to munch on plants. I figure if we use Scott's rationale then we better start wiping out anyone who has anything to do with abortions. Doctors, nurses, women (we can't forget women), men and their genitals (yep...get rid of those things, that way the chances of needing abortions will really be lowered - no pun intended), any form of transportation that can transport a female to an doctor's office, and why not just do away with the entire species of homo sapiens. That should really take care of things! oil buddies are at it again. $70.00 a barrel! Help!! Next you'll hear the cry to start drillin' in every imaginable spot in the U.S. so we can foil those dastardly foreign oil mongers (just don't mention that it was Western Companies like Standard Oil, Shell, Amoco, etc. - some under different names - that started drilling in the Middle East in the first place). Noooo...why don't we show 'em the door by developing alternative forms of energy and transportation? Think rationally about it and get movin' immediately! We shouldn't wait another day. How great would it be if we didn't use another drop of oil? Ahh...
Lastly, I saw that Jon Voight was giving a speech in which he put down Barack Obama saying that everything Obama's done has been a disaster. First...let's not forget that the President has been in office for less than 5 months and is trying to clean up a mess that took 8 years to create. Now here's Voight, who's own daughter has a hard time communicating with, telling the world that Obama's a false prophet. Huh? That's like me standing in front of a microphone telling Chas Utley how to hit. Please...Mr. Voight.
I don't think there's anyone out there who believes that Israel needs to be secure and the Jewish People (who have been the most oppressed group in history) need to be safe more than I do. But, we certaily need dialogue and discourse and that's what the President is doing. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see Israel at peace with its neighbors.
So, there's a few things to chew on. I welcome your comments.
It's ironic that a killer would abort someone's life in the name of stopping abortions. What the heck is that about?! When Scott Roeder assassinated Dr. George Tiller it just proves how absurd and twisted our society has become. Kinda like eating all the cows on earth to help spread vegetarianism. I guess the reasoning would be that the fewer animals the better chance of not eating them. So...keep eating 'em 'til there's none left! Then, of course, we'd all be forced to be a vegetarian.
Ok, so maybe the entire ecosystem would get totally screwed up, but we'd have no choice but to munch on plants. I figure if we use Scott's rationale then we better start wiping out anyone who has anything to do with abortions. Doctors, nurses, women (we can't forget women), men and their genitals (yep...get rid of those things, that way the chances of needing abortions will really be lowered - no pun intended), any form of transportation that can transport a female to an doctor's office, and why not just do away with the entire species of homo sapiens. That should really take care of things! oil buddies are at it again. $70.00 a barrel! Help!! Next you'll hear the cry to start drillin' in every imaginable spot in the U.S. so we can foil those dastardly foreign oil mongers (just don't mention that it was Western Companies like Standard Oil, Shell, Amoco, etc. - some under different names - that started drilling in the Middle East in the first place). Noooo...why don't we show 'em the door by developing alternative forms of energy and transportation? Think rationally about it and get movin' immediately! We shouldn't wait another day. How great would it be if we didn't use another drop of oil? Ahh...
Lastly, I saw that Jon Voight was giving a speech in which he put down Barack Obama saying that everything Obama's done has been a disaster. First...let's not forget that the President has been in office for less than 5 months and is trying to clean up a mess that took 8 years to create. Now here's Voight, who's own daughter has a hard time communicating with, telling the world that Obama's a false prophet. Huh? That's like me standing in front of a microphone telling Chas Utley how to hit. Please...Mr. Voight.
I don't think there's anyone out there who believes that Israel needs to be secure and the Jewish People (who have been the most oppressed group in history) need to be safe more than I do. But, we certaily need dialogue and discourse and that's what the President is doing. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see Israel at peace with its neighbors.
So, there's a few things to chew on. I welcome your comments.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
A Woman of Incredible Strength and Love
Wednesday morning at 10:30 I received a call from the hospital that my aunt (my mother's sister) had passed away. She entered the facility Friday due to complications from a hiatal hernia.
I had been with her Tuesday (along with my brother and sister-in-law), from mid-afternoon until 9:15 p.m. and was called back again Wednesday morning at 12:40 a.m. and stayed until 2:15.
Her death has created a large void in our family. And yesterday I realized how vast her impact really was.
My aunt was born in 1921. She had cerebral palsy from birth and wasn’t given much of a chance to live past her teens. She and my mom would always joke about how she out-lived all of the doctors who diagnosed her early demise. Throughout her life she was a regular member of the family. Sure, her ability to walk was not as agile as her peers and her speech was a bit more difficult to understand than most, but she always had a smile, a laugh, a joke, a twinkle in her eyes, and a way about her that brought out the love in all those she encountered. And…she was bright, very bright – with a memory that was fantastic.
Thelma (Toby as the family called her) was a delight.
She lived with my grandparents, who usually resided close to my parents, my brother, and me (except for the years when they lived in Florida). Toby had the knack of making friends. People were drawn to her and became her friends first and eventually our entire family’s.
Her smile was infectious.
After my grandparents died she lived on her own for a bit (next to my mom’s place) until it was decided that she should live in a “home.”
For 26 years she resided in Inglis House – a “wheelchair community.” Even though when she first moved in she would walk on her own or behind her wheelchair. For a sizable portion of those years I would either meet my mom there on Saturdays or mom and I would drive there to visit “Aunt Toby,” stay for a few hours and enjoy her company.
Yesterday (Thursday) I went back to collect her things. No one knew of her passing. They greeted me with questions, wanting to know when Thelma would return. When I told them that she had passed the outpouring of shock and tears overwhelmed me. These other “family members” were completely distraught. The crying continued throughout the four hours that I was there. Just writing this brings tears to my eyes.
My aunt would sit in her wheelchair in the lobby and great people as they entered. She always worried about her friends and family. “How are you?” she would ask those who passed her or stopped to chat. Often, she would follow that with a specific question about their children, an event they had previously mentioned, or some other bit of information they had told her during another visit. Today I was asked by Ann, a woman who has worked at Inglis House for years, “Do you realize the impact her passing will have on this place? Not only on the residents and staff, but on the vendors and delivery people who would look for Thelma when they entered or would drop off their shipments and ask where their “girlfriend” was so that they could chat with her and…on the families of the residents who would want to talk to her, even if just to check in.”
I had no idea. I couldn’t believe how many lives this little, frail, yet strong, woman had touched. This 87 year old lady who had outlived her doctors was the matriarch of a facility of hundreds.
And, when she was admitted to the hospital, the physician, on Saturday, said to me that he had never seen a person with her condition live even close to her age. He was amazed. Even the Cantor who would lead the Jewish Services told me that she had to do two case studies for her schooling and both of them were about my aunt.
Now, as we ready for her funeral, I know that my aunt was an extraordinary woman. A woman who gave the most important thing anyone can give in their lifetime - the gift of love.
There was one other thing that she brought to all of those people she met…perspective. You see – no matter how she felt, she would always say that she was “fine.”
So, the next time you worry about your bills or your relationship, school or your next sale, think of this woman in her wheelchair and put your life in perspective. And maybe you’ll see this tiny, strong, and beautiful 87 year old woman with cerebral palsy who would tell you that "it’ll be fine."
We’ll miss you aunt Toby…we’ll miss you so very much.
I had been with her Tuesday (along with my brother and sister-in-law), from mid-afternoon until 9:15 p.m. and was called back again Wednesday morning at 12:40 a.m. and stayed until 2:15.
Her death has created a large void in our family. And yesterday I realized how vast her impact really was.
My aunt was born in 1921. She had cerebral palsy from birth and wasn’t given much of a chance to live past her teens. She and my mom would always joke about how she out-lived all of the doctors who diagnosed her early demise. Throughout her life she was a regular member of the family. Sure, her ability to walk was not as agile as her peers and her speech was a bit more difficult to understand than most, but she always had a smile, a laugh, a joke, a twinkle in her eyes, and a way about her that brought out the love in all those she encountered. And…she was bright, very bright – with a memory that was fantastic.
Thelma (Toby as the family called her) was a delight.
She lived with my grandparents, who usually resided close to my parents, my brother, and me (except for the years when they lived in Florida). Toby had the knack of making friends. People were drawn to her and became her friends first and eventually our entire family’s.
Her smile was infectious.
After my grandparents died she lived on her own for a bit (next to my mom’s place) until it was decided that she should live in a “home.”
For 26 years she resided in Inglis House – a “wheelchair community.” Even though when she first moved in she would walk on her own or behind her wheelchair. For a sizable portion of those years I would either meet my mom there on Saturdays or mom and I would drive there to visit “Aunt Toby,” stay for a few hours and enjoy her company.
Yesterday (Thursday) I went back to collect her things. No one knew of her passing. They greeted me with questions, wanting to know when Thelma would return. When I told them that she had passed the outpouring of shock and tears overwhelmed me. These other “family members” were completely distraught. The crying continued throughout the four hours that I was there. Just writing this brings tears to my eyes.
My aunt would sit in her wheelchair in the lobby and great people as they entered. She always worried about her friends and family. “How are you?” she would ask those who passed her or stopped to chat. Often, she would follow that with a specific question about their children, an event they had previously mentioned, or some other bit of information they had told her during another visit. Today I was asked by Ann, a woman who has worked at Inglis House for years, “Do you realize the impact her passing will have on this place? Not only on the residents and staff, but on the vendors and delivery people who would look for Thelma when they entered or would drop off their shipments and ask where their “girlfriend” was so that they could chat with her and…on the families of the residents who would want to talk to her, even if just to check in.”
I had no idea. I couldn’t believe how many lives this little, frail, yet strong, woman had touched. This 87 year old lady who had outlived her doctors was the matriarch of a facility of hundreds.
And, when she was admitted to the hospital, the physician, on Saturday, said to me that he had never seen a person with her condition live even close to her age. He was amazed. Even the Cantor who would lead the Jewish Services told me that she had to do two case studies for her schooling and both of them were about my aunt.
Now, as we ready for her funeral, I know that my aunt was an extraordinary woman. A woman who gave the most important thing anyone can give in their lifetime - the gift of love.
There was one other thing that she brought to all of those people she met…perspective. You see – no matter how she felt, she would always say that she was “fine.”
So, the next time you worry about your bills or your relationship, school or your next sale, think of this woman in her wheelchair and put your life in perspective. And maybe you’ll see this tiny, strong, and beautiful 87 year old woman with cerebral palsy who would tell you that "it’ll be fine."
We’ll miss you aunt Toby…we’ll miss you so very much.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The Swine Flu is a Pig for Media Attention
Today I turned on CNN and heard story after story about the Swine Flu. You might have thought that NYC was having an epidemic. Of course it's bad when any type of flu (especially the dreaded "Pig Virus") hits anywhere. But when the headline states that eight school children in New York City contracted the Swine variety, ya gotta take notice.
Of course when the stories played out we find that none of the eight needed any medication or went to the hospital...they just rode it out and are all fine. Mild cases that make the news and help spread fear. Ya's that old news media saying - "If it bleeds, it leads."
Now, that doesn't mean that we all shouldn't be made aware of a Flu Virus invading our shores. But at the same time - let's keep it in perspective.
I know that eighty or so people in Mexico City have died from the virus and about 1400 have been infected. However, twenty million people live in Mexico City. Again...let's put that in perspective! More people died during an excessive heat wave in Chicago a few summers back.
So...wash your hands, keep things clean, and don't travel to Mexico City right now...ok? Good. And - if you feel sick, please see your doctor. Of yeah...if you have a tendency to watch the news, don't go all goofy.
Hmm - maybe I'll pass on that ham sandwich!
Of course when the stories played out we find that none of the eight needed any medication or went to the hospital...they just rode it out and are all fine. Mild cases that make the news and help spread fear. Ya's that old news media saying - "If it bleeds, it leads."
Now, that doesn't mean that we all shouldn't be made aware of a Flu Virus invading our shores. But at the same time - let's keep it in perspective.
I know that eighty or so people in Mexico City have died from the virus and about 1400 have been infected. However, twenty million people live in Mexico City. Again...let's put that in perspective! More people died during an excessive heat wave in Chicago a few summers back.
So...wash your hands, keep things clean, and don't travel to Mexico City right now...ok? Good. And - if you feel sick, please see your doctor. Of yeah...if you have a tendency to watch the news, don't go all goofy.
Hmm - maybe I'll pass on that ham sandwich!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
It Wasn't the Same
Weird listening to the Phillies tonight and not hearing Harry's voice. Kind of like coming home and finding that someone had rearranged the furniture and repainted the place. You know you're in the right dwelling yet it doesn't feel like it's really your home.
Strange. It'll take some time.
Miss ya Mr. K.
Strange. It'll take some time.
Miss ya Mr. K.
Monday, April 13, 2009
A sad day for Philadelphia and Phillies fans
About twenty minutes ago my son called me. I asked him how he was and he responded that it was a sad day. "Why? What's wrong?" was my response.
He told me that he had just found out that Harry Kalas had passed away. I couldn't believe it. Yesterday I listened to his distinctive voice as he braodcasted the Phillies game. His "Outta here" is as well known a phrase to baseball and non-baseball fans as is "Play ball."
My son grew up to the sounds of Harry Kalas discussing the nuances of the game that he and I love so much. As the season approached I looked forward to hearing his voice as an assurance that baseball was here and things would be renewed, once again, for another year.
Harry the son and I (and millions of other people) will miss you and your wonderful comforting voice. I have a feeling that Richie Asburn is waiting to greet his best friend. What a fantastic duo. Two superb men who graced my life for so many years.
Harry...the games just won't be the same without you.
He told me that he had just found out that Harry Kalas had passed away. I couldn't believe it. Yesterday I listened to his distinctive voice as he braodcasted the Phillies game. His "Outta here" is as well known a phrase to baseball and non-baseball fans as is "Play ball."
My son grew up to the sounds of Harry Kalas discussing the nuances of the game that he and I love so much. As the season approached I looked forward to hearing his voice as an assurance that baseball was here and things would be renewed, once again, for another year.
Harry the son and I (and millions of other people) will miss you and your wonderful comforting voice. I have a feeling that Richie Asburn is waiting to greet his best friend. What a fantastic duo. Two superb men who graced my life for so many years.
Harry...the games just won't be the same without you.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
A song for the world
As many of you know, I like to play music when my students enter the classroom. Sort of a readying for "pomp and circumstance" as they march towards their degree.
There is one caveat...the music must have relevance to the course. Sometimes the songs are brought in by me, and sometimes they're given to me by the students.
Last week Kirsten Furchner sent me and e-mail with a link to a fantastic video of the classic song "Stand By Me." It wasn't just the singing, words, and instruments that I was the way the musicians performed.
We always talk about global cooperation and this video proves that when we put our minds to work we can do wonderful things on a global scale.
Now...if we could only get politicians to do that. Hmm, maybe we should force them to watch the video and see how "regular folks" do it.
If you wanna watch and hear something great - cut and paste the link below into your browser. Do it and you'll be in for a treat!
There is one caveat...the music must have relevance to the course. Sometimes the songs are brought in by me, and sometimes they're given to me by the students.
Last week Kirsten Furchner sent me and e-mail with a link to a fantastic video of the classic song "Stand By Me." It wasn't just the singing, words, and instruments that I was the way the musicians performed.
We always talk about global cooperation and this video proves that when we put our minds to work we can do wonderful things on a global scale.
Now...if we could only get politicians to do that. Hmm, maybe we should force them to watch the video and see how "regular folks" do it.
If you wanna watch and hear something great - cut and paste the link below into your browser. Do it and you'll be in for a treat!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
There are still 161 games left
Baseball is a microcosm of life. I was psyched today, waiting for the Phillies/Braves game. Of course I know the Phils don't have a great track record on Opening Day (Night) but hope springs eternal.
Unfortunately, the Champs (feel kinda good to write that word) lost.
But...there's a whole bunch of games left!
Ya know, like life, you may lose today...but tomorrow's another day. And, the next might even win convincingly.
Unfortunately, the Champs (feel kinda good to write that word) lost.
But...there's a whole bunch of games left!
Ya know, like life, you may lose today...but tomorrow's another day. And, the next might even win convincingly.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Drumming our way to harmony
Quite the interesting exercise we did in my OB classes today.
It's amazing how drums, a didgeridoo, maracas, and some other exotic instruments can take a class of individuals and turn them into a well functioning music machine!
At the beginning of the exercise a number of students voiced the fact that they didn't think they could play an instument, or didn't have the rhythm needed to participate. But...after the drum beat started and the sound of the didgeridoo bellowed through the room an amazing transformation happened. The entire class got into a harmonious round of music. It was, to me at least, a fantastic scene.
The sound was good enough (as I mentioned to the class and they agreed) to be put on a CD and listened to with delight.
It just shows how an organization can be brought together to function well, meet their goals, learn new skills, create individual and group leaders, and avoid conflict with the help of some simple instruments. Wow! Impressive...very impressive.
Special thanks to Pavel Kolenda and Evan Sheeler for providing the instruments and inspiration. a side note - I heard some people saying they'd like to start taking lessons to a couple of classmates who could provide them. Bravo!
A show of positive organizational behavior through students performing music using leadership, team building, listening, and conflict management skills...refreshing!
It's amazing how drums, a didgeridoo, maracas, and some other exotic instruments can take a class of individuals and turn them into a well functioning music machine!
At the beginning of the exercise a number of students voiced the fact that they didn't think they could play an instument, or didn't have the rhythm needed to participate. But...after the drum beat started and the sound of the didgeridoo bellowed through the room an amazing transformation happened. The entire class got into a harmonious round of music. It was, to me at least, a fantastic scene.
The sound was good enough (as I mentioned to the class and they agreed) to be put on a CD and listened to with delight.
It just shows how an organization can be brought together to function well, meet their goals, learn new skills, create individual and group leaders, and avoid conflict with the help of some simple instruments. Wow! Impressive...very impressive.
Special thanks to Pavel Kolenda and Evan Sheeler for providing the instruments and inspiration. a side note - I heard some people saying they'd like to start taking lessons to a couple of classmates who could provide them. Bravo!
A show of positive organizational behavior through students performing music using leadership, team building, listening, and conflict management skills...refreshing!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
More Kudos for Peggy and Newman's Own
I e-mailed Peggy at Newman's Own Organics today to thank her for the quick response and the coupon. Figuring that she wouldn't get it 'til tomorrow I wanted her to know my appreciation.
Imagine my surprise when I received a reply from her a short time after sending my e-mail. It's amazing! Simply amazing.'s Sunday!!
Of this you can be assured...I will always recommend Newman's Own Organics for their premier customer service and desire to give their customers the best products and will also incorporate my experience with them in my customer service, sales, management, and related courses, workshops, and speeches.
Thanks again Peggy!!
Imagine my surprise when I received a reply from her a short time after sending my e-mail. It's amazing! Simply amazing.'s Sunday!!
Of this you can be assured...I will always recommend Newman's Own Organics for their premier customer service and desire to give their customers the best products and will also incorporate my experience with them in my customer service, sales, management, and related courses, workshops, and speeches.
Thanks again Peggy!!
Newman's Own Organics comes through
Three cheers for Newman's Own Organics!!
If you recall, back on the 24th I e-mailed Newman's Own about their Dark Chocolate Espresso bar. Peggy, the Director of Customer Relations, responded quickly and told me to send them my addrees and they'd mail me a coupon so that I could try some of their 'new' or other products. I did that on the 24th and guess what? They sent out a letter with the coupon on...hold onto your chair now...the 24th!! Got it right here.
All I can say is "Wow!"
Three cheers for Newman's Own Organics!!
If you recall, back on the 24th I e-mailed Newman's Own about their Dark Chocolate Espresso bar. Peggy, the Director of Customer Relations, responded quickly and told me to send them my addrees and they'd mail me a coupon so that I could try some of their 'new' or other products. I did that on the 24th and guess what? They sent out a letter with the coupon on...hold onto your chair now...the 24th!! Got it right here.
All I can say is "Wow!"
Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Plaxo, LinkedIn, MySpace and more
Social networking has always been a vital part of business and personal growth.
Years ago a friends of mine named Steve Shaiman had this idea about using the internet to create social networks. So...even before there were Facebooks and blogs, Twitters and Plaxos, there was Steve. He was so sure that it would work that we'd meet for hours about it.
Well Steve, you were right! I tip my hat to you!!
I'm a blogger and a Facebooker, a Twitterer who doesn't tweet (which, by the way, is a synonym for chirping, a word I used on my leadership blog but I didn't want to get into it there, as I am here), a MySpacer who found his space more efficiently and effectively on Facebook, and a Plaxoed LinkedInner who participates but hasn't quite gotten the hang of either of them yet.
Facebook has enabled me to connect with lots of current friends and re-connect with folks I haven't seen or heard from in years. Sometimes decades. It's a phenomenal phenomenon. In fact, I had coffee late Friday afternoon with the cousin of an old Mt. Airy (the neighborhood in Philly where I 'grew up') friend. The cousin's also originally from here but now lives in San Diego. We had a great discussion about baseball, business, music, and life. Never woulda met the guy if it wasn't for Facebook.
I love to learn and social networking gives me the ability to have interchanges with all types of folks, learn new things, and think in new ways.
I'm a relative virgin (if that's not an being a 'little pregnant') at all this but my friends are showing me techniques to enhance my experience. So...Facebook me, blog with me, but for right now...don't Twitter me 'cause I might not be able to tweet you back!
Hmm - I think I'll LinkIn to my Plaxo and try to find Mrs. Childress who might be hiding on another social network called VeriZoned in another solar system. You didn't think I'd let that slide, did ya?
Years ago a friends of mine named Steve Shaiman had this idea about using the internet to create social networks. So...even before there were Facebooks and blogs, Twitters and Plaxos, there was Steve. He was so sure that it would work that we'd meet for hours about it.
Well Steve, you were right! I tip my hat to you!!
I'm a blogger and a Facebooker, a Twitterer who doesn't tweet (which, by the way, is a synonym for chirping, a word I used on my leadership blog but I didn't want to get into it there, as I am here), a MySpacer who found his space more efficiently and effectively on Facebook, and a Plaxoed LinkedInner who participates but hasn't quite gotten the hang of either of them yet.
Facebook has enabled me to connect with lots of current friends and re-connect with folks I haven't seen or heard from in years. Sometimes decades. It's a phenomenal phenomenon. In fact, I had coffee late Friday afternoon with the cousin of an old Mt. Airy (the neighborhood in Philly where I 'grew up') friend. The cousin's also originally from here but now lives in San Diego. We had a great discussion about baseball, business, music, and life. Never woulda met the guy if it wasn't for Facebook.
I love to learn and social networking gives me the ability to have interchanges with all types of folks, learn new things, and think in new ways.
I'm a relative virgin (if that's not an being a 'little pregnant') at all this but my friends are showing me techniques to enhance my experience. So...Facebook me, blog with me, but for right now...don't Twitter me 'cause I might not be able to tweet you back!
Hmm - I think I'll LinkIn to my Plaxo and try to find Mrs. Childress who might be hiding on another social network called VeriZoned in another solar system. You didn't think I'd let that slide, did ya?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
When is life stranger than fiction?
When you go to the bank, cash a check and then try to deposit some of the money into your account and the teller says that she can't do it because she just cashed a check for you. move to the next window and deposit the money and you ask the teller if it's ok and she says, "Of course." Yes...I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone - Do do do do do do.
And yes dear readers that happened to me today.
Perhaps the first teller was actually performing Bank Karaoke - a new form of bizarre customer entertainment. No...I did not continue any conversation with her once she gave me that interstellar explanation. I figured I'd leave any additional discussions with her to the next customer...perhaps a Verizon employee.
Do do do do do do. move to the next window and deposit the money and you ask the teller if it's ok and she says, "Of course." Yes...I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone - Do do do do do do.
And yes dear readers that happened to me today.
Perhaps the first teller was actually performing Bank Karaoke - a new form of bizarre customer entertainment. No...I did not continue any conversation with her once she gave me that interstellar explanation. I figured I'd leave any additional discussions with her to the next customer...perhaps a Verizon employee.
Do do do do do do.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Paul Newman would be proud
After having trepidations about the folks about Newman's Own Organics, I took Jen's advice (she's the woman who works at Whole Foods) and e-mailed them through the Newman's Own's website.
Miracle of miracles...they actually responded. And, quickly! Whoa...what's happening?! First Whole Foods, then Newman's Own. Proof that customer service lives in the good old U.S. of A!!
Peggy (from Newman's) sent me an e-mail explaining their reasons for changing chocolate (to a higher quality version - hmm...what have I been eating all along? Ok I'll let that slide). She told me about new products and ones they're discontinuing. Good information for a dark chocolate nut like me.
And, she said that she was sorry that I was disappointed in the 'new' Espresso Bar. Plus to make up for my lack of product enthusiasm she'd be happy to send me a coupon so that I could sample one of their new products.
Wow...all this in less than a day. Are you listenin' Mrs. Childress?!
Paul, I hope that you're lookin' down and reading this. You taught 'em well.
Miracle of miracles...they actually responded. And, quickly! Whoa...what's happening?! First Whole Foods, then Newman's Own. Proof that customer service lives in the good old U.S. of A!!
Peggy (from Newman's) sent me an e-mail explaining their reasons for changing chocolate (to a higher quality version - hmm...what have I been eating all along? Ok I'll let that slide). She told me about new products and ones they're discontinuing. Good information for a dark chocolate nut like me.
And, she said that she was sorry that I was disappointed in the 'new' Espresso Bar. Plus to make up for my lack of product enthusiasm she'd be happy to send me a coupon so that I could sample one of their new products.
Wow...all this in less than a day. Are you listenin' Mrs. Childress?!
Paul, I hope that you're lookin' down and reading this. You taught 'em well.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I should have known it when they changed the label
I'm a creature of habit when it comes to my breakfast. A hot bowl of oatmeal heaped with strawberries, walnuts, blueberries, and banana. All topped with a tea spoon of honey (or brown sugar). Then...after a mug of green tea, I finish everything off with a square of Newman's Own Organic Espresso Dark Chocolate...mmm...I can taste it now.
Except: Paul Newman died and they hijacked his 100% Premium Chocolate. Tu (that's an ethic "spit on the ground in distain").
I went to Whole Foods last week and couldn't find my Newman's Own. The wrapper was clean: Paul and his daughter Nell sporting the front and proclaiming it's organic heritage and how much the company had given to charities. White and Brown...easy to see, but not visible. I engaged the customer service desk and Jen came over to help me. Lo and behold, there it was - above its usual shelf position and re-packaged in a dark and light brown paper with no Paul and Nell (they turned out to be miniaturized on the back). Hmm...somethin's fishy in Newmanville.
Home I went with my two Espresso bars (not to be confused with the java joints of the same name). A couple days later my "original" bar had reached its end and I opened my "new" Newman. Tu...gritty, not as tasty, Tu.
Why the heck do companies pull that crap? Always screwin' with the formula. Usually by somebody who wants to show their "creative" worth in the employment que. "Hey...let's re-package it, now that Paul's at the great race track in the sky, and change the formula - I think it needs an upgrade." Newman would have had his or her hide (God love 'im).
So...I mosey into Whole Foods tonight on my way home from my usual Sunday activities and say hi to Jen. In passing...I tell her that the chocolate wasn't as good as it's predecessor. I figured I'd update her on the news since she was so helpful.
Immediately she came over to me, walked me to the chocolate aisle and said, "Pick out two other bars. Customers should be satisfied and I know how much you liked that original chocolate." I was floored! This certainly wasn't Verizon!!
Huh? I'm not used to that kinda customer service. I did as I was told. Dark Chocolate? Two bars? Pour Moi? Oui? Yum.
Now, how do I get Whole Foods to get into the multiple voice mailbox telephone business? Hmm...
Oh yeah, Jen suggested I e-mail Newman's Own. I'm on it like a jet!
Except: Paul Newman died and they hijacked his 100% Premium Chocolate. Tu (that's an ethic "spit on the ground in distain").
I went to Whole Foods last week and couldn't find my Newman's Own. The wrapper was clean: Paul and his daughter Nell sporting the front and proclaiming it's organic heritage and how much the company had given to charities. White and Brown...easy to see, but not visible. I engaged the customer service desk and Jen came over to help me. Lo and behold, there it was - above its usual shelf position and re-packaged in a dark and light brown paper with no Paul and Nell (they turned out to be miniaturized on the back). Hmm...somethin's fishy in Newmanville.
Home I went with my two Espresso bars (not to be confused with the java joints of the same name). A couple days later my "original" bar had reached its end and I opened my "new" Newman. Tu...gritty, not as tasty, Tu.
Why the heck do companies pull that crap? Always screwin' with the formula. Usually by somebody who wants to show their "creative" worth in the employment que. "Hey...let's re-package it, now that Paul's at the great race track in the sky, and change the formula - I think it needs an upgrade." Newman would have had his or her hide (God love 'im).
So...I mosey into Whole Foods tonight on my way home from my usual Sunday activities and say hi to Jen. In passing...I tell her that the chocolate wasn't as good as it's predecessor. I figured I'd update her on the news since she was so helpful.
Immediately she came over to me, walked me to the chocolate aisle and said, "Pick out two other bars. Customers should be satisfied and I know how much you liked that original chocolate." I was floored! This certainly wasn't Verizon!!
Huh? I'm not used to that kinda customer service. I did as I was told. Dark Chocolate? Two bars? Pour Moi? Oui? Yum.
Now, how do I get Whole Foods to get into the multiple voice mailbox telephone business? Hmm...
Oh yeah, Jen suggested I e-mail Newman's Own. I'm on it like a jet!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
It's Spring!
Finally we can say it's Spring. But, let's face it wasn't much of a winter here in the Philly area. Cold at times, sure...snow, not much. More Arctic ice melting as we neglect moving to electric and/or air cars (and a whole bunch of other environmentally friendly things).
Maybe if AIG gave out bonuses for curing our environmental problems it would be done by now!
Ya think anyone really cares about stakeholders and NOT shareholders? Geez, I hope so.
Get ready to smell the flowers...everyone on board? Callahan!
Maybe if AIG gave out bonuses for curing our environmental problems it would be done by now!
Ya think anyone really cares about stakeholders and NOT shareholders? Geez, I hope so.
Get ready to smell the flowers...everyone on board? Callahan!
A superb article about Verizon's lack of customer service
Here's a link that Courtney sent me. The article gets to the heart of my (and, so it seems, so many other's) problem.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
St. Patrick's Day, Hanukkah, and Christmas
Only in America.
It amazes me sometimes how innovative (or shall we say...expansive) we Americans can be when it comes to holidays.
Not long ago St. Patrick's Day was celebrated in Ireland as a religiously based holiday. It was America that re-defined it and made it into a version of a heavy drinking Mardi Gras (if that's possible). And then sent it back over to Ireland with its new identity!
We also made Hanukkah much bigger than it is (or was) in Israel (and within the Jewish community), since it started out as a rather minor festival.
And...Christmas as we know it is as American as apple pie. It wasn't until the mid-1800's that department store owners realized that it could be transformed into a commercial holiday.
So, there we have it! Three American holidays that are celebrated around there world...all dressed up in international commercial ventures.
But, what the heck. HAVE FUN and ENJOY 'EM!
It amazes me sometimes how innovative (or shall we say...expansive) we Americans can be when it comes to holidays.
Not long ago St. Patrick's Day was celebrated in Ireland as a religiously based holiday. It was America that re-defined it and made it into a version of a heavy drinking Mardi Gras (if that's possible). And then sent it back over to Ireland with its new identity!
We also made Hanukkah much bigger than it is (or was) in Israel (and within the Jewish community), since it started out as a rather minor festival.
And...Christmas as we know it is as American as apple pie. It wasn't until the mid-1800's that department store owners realized that it could be transformed into a commercial holiday.
So, there we have it! Three American holidays that are celebrated around there world...all dressed up in international commercial ventures.
But, what the heck. HAVE FUN and ENJOY 'EM!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Cavalier doesn't have multiple voice mail boxes
Nope...tried! It woulda been nice to do the old Verizon switcheroo but, no such luck.
Let's see, who's next on the list? Vontage!
Oh Mrs Childress...where are you?
Let's see, who's next on the list? Vontage!
Oh Mrs Childress...where are you?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
A conversation with beings from another solar system
Brian posted this in his comment to my No Voice Mail Help post a few days ago.
It's awesome!
Listen to it and you'll understand that life does exist on other heavenly bodies in the universe. Except they have a different sense of reality...THIS IS PROOF!!
It's awesome!
Listen to it and you'll understand that life does exist on other heavenly bodies in the universe. Except they have a different sense of reality...THIS IS PROOF!!
Jilted by Verizon
Ehh...what can I say? I've been left at the alter by Mrs. Childress. Ok, so maybe she's already married but - she promised.
I was supposed to hear from her by 6:00 P.M. yesterday (see my post from March 10). Now I'm floating in the Verizon Solar System like an astronaut who's lost his grip on his space vehicle. Just drifting in the darkness towards the gravitational pull of the nearest heavenly body. Hmm...would that be Cavalier of me? Or perhaps Vontagesque?
I can see it now. Take your stinkin' voice mail system and insert it in your rocket booster! That's right...I'm thinkin' of abandoning ship. After years of being your buddy...through Bell Telephone, Bell Atlantic, and now the dreaded Verizon I've reached the precipice of the land line Black Hole. That all consuming energy source that sucks you in and spits you out into the other side of space, or...NOWHERE!! Ouch!
My mission awaits. All I have to do is figure out my strategy. I know...I'll call Mrs. Childress and leave her a voice mail! Hmm...I wonder if she'll ever be able to retrieve it. After all...she has Verizon (why do I feel like laughing one of those ghoulish laughs right now?!)
I was supposed to hear from her by 6:00 P.M. yesterday (see my post from March 10). Now I'm floating in the Verizon Solar System like an astronaut who's lost his grip on his space vehicle. Just drifting in the darkness towards the gravitational pull of the nearest heavenly body. Hmm...would that be Cavalier of me? Or perhaps Vontagesque?
I can see it now. Take your stinkin' voice mail system and insert it in your rocket booster! That's right...I'm thinkin' of abandoning ship. After years of being your buddy...through Bell Telephone, Bell Atlantic, and now the dreaded Verizon I've reached the precipice of the land line Black Hole. That all consuming energy source that sucks you in and spits you out into the other side of space, or...NOWHERE!! Ouch!
My mission awaits. All I have to do is figure out my strategy. I know...I'll call Mrs. Childress and leave her a voice mail! Hmm...I wonder if she'll ever be able to retrieve it. After all...she has Verizon (why do I feel like laughing one of those ghoulish laughs right now?!)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Voice mail help with no voice mail help
It's time to change the prompts on my company's voice mail system. So...rather than wait until the "work week" I figured I do it on my own.
I called Verizon's 1-800-870-0000 Voice Mail help line at around 1::00 EDT on Sunday (today - March 8th) and guess what?! It kept ringing and ringing and ringing! Hmm...I better advice them about getting voice mail. Maybe I should put them in touch with Cavalier!
You'd think they'd be the first to have it set up. Earlier today it seemed to be working. Not much help, but working. Then...BINGO! ZIPPO, ZERO, NADA!!
What the heck is it about the phone company? It used to be that someone was always available to help. Now, it's call back during "normal" business hours. Like your phone actually knows what "normal" business hours are when it needs some sort of maintenence. Guess that's why Verizon's market share keeps shrinking.
I called Verizon's 1-800-870-0000 Voice Mail help line at around 1::00 EDT on Sunday (today - March 8th) and guess what?! It kept ringing and ringing and ringing! Hmm...I better advice them about getting voice mail. Maybe I should put them in touch with Cavalier!
You'd think they'd be the first to have it set up. Earlier today it seemed to be working. Not much help, but working. Then...BINGO! ZIPPO, ZERO, NADA!!
What the heck is it about the phone company? It used to be that someone was always available to help. Now, it's call back during "normal" business hours. Like your phone actually knows what "normal" business hours are when it needs some sort of maintenence. Guess that's why Verizon's market share keeps shrinking.
Monday, March 2, 2009
The Blizzard of '09
Again! Another call for excessive snow fell flat.
I recall President Obama's amusement when the D.C. schools were closed a few weeks ago because of a little ice and snow.
The Philadelphia area was braced for 6 to 8 inches (or more) and yesterday I couldn't find a cart at the supermarket...people were shopping like they were gonna be trapped in their homes for a month. What's with that?! The store ran out of milk! Do shoppers think that all the cows will freeze to death? Don't people listen to the week's forecast and realize that it'll all be melted within a few days.
As I was pushing the white stuff off my walkway (the snow was so soft and light that I didn't have to lift the shovel to move it) I started to laugh at the absurdity of the whole thing. Fear is a great motivator (but only in the short run) sells advertising time on the radio and TV and gets us to listen and/or watch the news and weather. However, it can also have the reverse effect (see my Rush Limbaugh thoughts on my leadershipinbusiness blog).
I think many of us have grown skeptical of fear mongerers whether they're in politics, the supermarket, or in the weather/news business. At least I hope so. Certainly in politics and the U.S. news media so many of the personalitites have become clownish...cartoon characters with outsized egos. I know that, when it comes to snow, it's better to be safe than sorry, but...when you look at the results over and over and over again don't you start to wonder that maybe the snow was pushed harder on us than we had to push the snow!
I recall President Obama's amusement when the D.C. schools were closed a few weeks ago because of a little ice and snow.
The Philadelphia area was braced for 6 to 8 inches (or more) and yesterday I couldn't find a cart at the supermarket...people were shopping like they were gonna be trapped in their homes for a month. What's with that?! The store ran out of milk! Do shoppers think that all the cows will freeze to death? Don't people listen to the week's forecast and realize that it'll all be melted within a few days.
As I was pushing the white stuff off my walkway (the snow was so soft and light that I didn't have to lift the shovel to move it) I started to laugh at the absurdity of the whole thing. Fear is a great motivator (but only in the short run) sells advertising time on the radio and TV and gets us to listen and/or watch the news and weather. However, it can also have the reverse effect (see my Rush Limbaugh thoughts on my leadershipinbusiness blog).
I think many of us have grown skeptical of fear mongerers whether they're in politics, the supermarket, or in the weather/news business. At least I hope so. Certainly in politics and the U.S. news media so many of the personalitites have become clownish...cartoon characters with outsized egos. I know that, when it comes to snow, it's better to be safe than sorry, but...when you look at the results over and over and over again don't you start to wonder that maybe the snow was pushed harder on us than we had to push the snow!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I need you and your personal network's opinions
To all my students, clients, readers, and other friends.
Those of you who have seen the air car (you can watch a number of films about it on youtube), or have seen the movie "Who Killed the Electric Car," (available through Amazon...but check to see if it's downloadable) I'd like your vote.
Please sign in and let me know which type of vehicle you think our new economy should cencentrate on developing.
I'll total the results periodically, let you know the status, and pass on your thoughts to the powers that be.
Let's hope we get lots of folks posting their opinions. Please tell your freinds.
Those of you who have seen the air car (you can watch a number of films about it on youtube), or have seen the movie "Who Killed the Electric Car," (available through Amazon...but check to see if it's downloadable) I'd like your vote.
Please sign in and let me know which type of vehicle you think our new economy should cencentrate on developing.
I'll total the results periodically, let you know the status, and pass on your thoughts to the powers that be.
Let's hope we get lots of folks posting their opinions. Please tell your freinds.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
A dozen people to sit with at dinner
If you could sit and have dinner with any twelve people throughout history and discuss life, their thoughts, understand why they did what they did, their views of then and now, and any other questions or comments that come into your mind, who would those dozen people be?
Yes...they can also be alive now, or be long gone from this earth.
I've often thought about who I would choose. I even expanded my guest list to twelve from its original ten, but refuse to make it any larger.
I'd include people for their insight, foresight, wisdom, intellect, to tell me what really happened during their lives (or the part that historians explore), and what they think (or thought) of past events and how they view the world today.
It's tough to pick only twelve and I know that it can change from time-to-time but -
here's my list for now:
My Dad
Albert Einstein
Benjamin Franklin
Jackie Robinson
Helen Keller
George Carlin
I'd love to hear who your picks would be, questions about why and/or how I decided on the people on my list, or any other thoughts.
Yes...they can also be alive now, or be long gone from this earth.
I've often thought about who I would choose. I even expanded my guest list to twelve from its original ten, but refuse to make it any larger.
I'd include people for their insight, foresight, wisdom, intellect, to tell me what really happened during their lives (or the part that historians explore), and what they think (or thought) of past events and how they view the world today.
It's tough to pick only twelve and I know that it can change from time-to-time but -
here's my list for now:
My Dad
Albert Einstein
Benjamin Franklin
Jackie Robinson
Helen Keller
George Carlin
I'd love to hear who your picks would be, questions about why and/or how I decided on the people on my list, or any other thoughts.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The new Fatso
For some time now I've been showing the movie "Who Killed the Electric Car" to my students, particularly those in my ethics courses. Just recently I've begun to recognize that a euphemism that has been so rudely used to describe people could be applied very aptly to label corporations.
After watching the film I initiated a discussion with the students in class. We talked about how the technology patent for long lasting Electric Car batteries (that would enable them to go without a charge for at least 100 miles) had its controlling interest purchased by an oil company and how the gentleman who invented it was told to be silent about it.
That along with the automoble companies' distruction of their existing Electric Vehicle (EV) fleets, while a waiting list of consumers were requesting their use through lease and possibly purchase, left me with the obviously sickening feeling that the oil and automotive companies were growing enourmously Fat so we could continue to stuff their pockets with cash.
There's really no ethical basis for a car company to destroy a technology that would substantially eliminate carbon pollutants and help create a much cleaner and efficient vehicle. However, there is an economic one. As the movie well documents...electric cars mean no combustion engines, which mean less revenue for service and repair. And, we can't forget the long time symbiotic relationship between the automobile companies and the oil companies.
Driving along the turnpike yesterday I heard the news station mention that refineries were cutting back on production in order to raise prices at the pump so that they could increase profits. What! During this economic free fall, they're squeezing us more! Distasteful!! was my repsonse...ok maybe a bit more animated and colorful, but you get the idea.
The picture is putrid, but oh so clear. The car companies didn't run with a technology they knew would work, so they could fatten their corporate pockets. Fat so we could suffer.
The oil companies buy up the technology so we would be prevented from using something that could benefit us and the environment, while fattening they're already fat wallets. Again...getting more Fat so we could continue to suffer. add salt to our wounds - because the car companies didn't produce electric cars and instead opted for Hummers, Bummers, and Behemoths while the price of gas at the pump reached new heights (and is slowly creeping back up today...see above), we're left to bailout the very same people who got Fat so we could wonder what happened to automotive sanity.
Yep...we're free to use that long (and rightly so) unused word: Fatso. Because now...we found a whole new category of people (and companies) that deserve to be called that euphemistic descriptor.
And where are those Fatso Wall Streeters who took our 18 Billion? Please come forward - we all wanna see what you look like!
After watching the film I initiated a discussion with the students in class. We talked about how the technology patent for long lasting Electric Car batteries (that would enable them to go without a charge for at least 100 miles) had its controlling interest purchased by an oil company and how the gentleman who invented it was told to be silent about it.
That along with the automoble companies' distruction of their existing Electric Vehicle (EV) fleets, while a waiting list of consumers were requesting their use through lease and possibly purchase, left me with the obviously sickening feeling that the oil and automotive companies were growing enourmously Fat so we could continue to stuff their pockets with cash.
There's really no ethical basis for a car company to destroy a technology that would substantially eliminate carbon pollutants and help create a much cleaner and efficient vehicle. However, there is an economic one. As the movie well documents...electric cars mean no combustion engines, which mean less revenue for service and repair. And, we can't forget the long time symbiotic relationship between the automobile companies and the oil companies.
Driving along the turnpike yesterday I heard the news station mention that refineries were cutting back on production in order to raise prices at the pump so that they could increase profits. What! During this economic free fall, they're squeezing us more! Distasteful!! was my repsonse...ok maybe a bit more animated and colorful, but you get the idea.
The picture is putrid, but oh so clear. The car companies didn't run with a technology they knew would work, so they could fatten their corporate pockets. Fat so we could suffer.
The oil companies buy up the technology so we would be prevented from using something that could benefit us and the environment, while fattening they're already fat wallets. Again...getting more Fat so we could continue to suffer. add salt to our wounds - because the car companies didn't produce electric cars and instead opted for Hummers, Bummers, and Behemoths while the price of gas at the pump reached new heights (and is slowly creeping back up today...see above), we're left to bailout the very same people who got Fat so we could wonder what happened to automotive sanity.
Yep...we're free to use that long (and rightly so) unused word: Fatso. Because now...we found a whole new category of people (and companies) that deserve to be called that euphemistic descriptor.
And where are those Fatso Wall Streeters who took our 18 Billion? Please come forward - we all wanna see what you look like!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
For one can forget about the mess we're in
The Super Bowl (and yes, its commercials) is a diversion.
Sports may be the opiate of the people these days, but geez - it's sure needed.
I know that many of you couldn't give a crap about the Steelers, Cardinals or the trophy the winner gets. Hmm...I'm on the cusp about the whole thing. Yeah, if the Eagles were in it I may be more ramped up, but we do need somethin' to take our minds off the ecomonic garbage dump we're in.
Even people who don't know that the Arizona Cardinals play in the suburbs of Phoenix, will be partying like it's 2009.
An aside...I really believe that sports leagues shouldn't allow teams to be named after states or their nicknames. I'm still trying to figure out where the Tennessee Titans play. And do the Golden State Warriors (our old Philadelphia Warriors - see it's easy to know where they USED to reside) play in San Francisco or Oakland or someplace else in the Bay Area?
So, act goofy, make pretend that the outcome really means something (like the players will be paying your electric bill or your kid's or your tuition - a reference to my dad's quote), have fun, scream as if they can hear you. But don't get angry and do something stupid if "your" team loses. ''s really meaningless. Hate to break it to you all - but it is!
Oh yeah - and the New England Patriots play where?
Sports may be the opiate of the people these days, but geez - it's sure needed.
I know that many of you couldn't give a crap about the Steelers, Cardinals or the trophy the winner gets. Hmm...I'm on the cusp about the whole thing. Yeah, if the Eagles were in it I may be more ramped up, but we do need somethin' to take our minds off the ecomonic garbage dump we're in.
Even people who don't know that the Arizona Cardinals play in the suburbs of Phoenix, will be partying like it's 2009.
An aside...I really believe that sports leagues shouldn't allow teams to be named after states or their nicknames. I'm still trying to figure out where the Tennessee Titans play. And do the Golden State Warriors (our old Philadelphia Warriors - see it's easy to know where they USED to reside) play in San Francisco or Oakland or someplace else in the Bay Area?
So, act goofy, make pretend that the outcome really means something (like the players will be paying your electric bill or your kid's or your tuition - a reference to my dad's quote), have fun, scream as if they can hear you. But don't get angry and do something stupid if "your" team loses. ''s really meaningless. Hate to break it to you all - but it is!
Oh yeah - and the New England Patriots play where?
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Veggie Love, the Super Bowl & NBC
I guess that many of you have seen the story about NBC banning the PETA Veggie Love (or vegetarians have better sex) ad from being aired during the Super Bowl.
Ok...I've watched it. Yeah, it's "hot" and sexy...anddddd, soooo.
Let's see if I have this right. NBC is not letting a veggie/sexy commercial on during a game where grown men smash into each other trying to knock their opponents (and the ball) out so that they can get a chance to "score" while scantilly clad young ladies on the sidelines cheer them on. The fans scream and yell (sometimes using obscenities) to "motivate" their favorite team to get some points on the board and beat the livin' daylights outta the guys in the other uniforms. In the mean time the cameras will spend quite a bit of time scanning the Cheerleaders as they bounce up and down.
Hmm...interesting. What else. Right! During the breaks there's always some commercials about drinking beer, driving fancy cars (often with sexual overtones), and of course the network's promos for its own shows (usually with someone shooting someone else, investigating a murder, committing a murder, or cheating somebody out of something).
Now, would I rather watch a commercial that actually tells me that vegetarians have better sex, a car company intimating it, or someone getting shot? I'll go for the honest approach. It's a shame that we, as a nation, haven't lost our thirst for violence and matured to the point where we can accept love (and sex...or at least talking about it) as something equal to (or better than) watching a group of actors figure out the reasons for a murder.
Ok...I've watched it. Yeah, it's "hot" and sexy...anddddd, soooo.
Let's see if I have this right. NBC is not letting a veggie/sexy commercial on during a game where grown men smash into each other trying to knock their opponents (and the ball) out so that they can get a chance to "score" while scantilly clad young ladies on the sidelines cheer them on. The fans scream and yell (sometimes using obscenities) to "motivate" their favorite team to get some points on the board and beat the livin' daylights outta the guys in the other uniforms. In the mean time the cameras will spend quite a bit of time scanning the Cheerleaders as they bounce up and down.
Hmm...interesting. What else. Right! During the breaks there's always some commercials about drinking beer, driving fancy cars (often with sexual overtones), and of course the network's promos for its own shows (usually with someone shooting someone else, investigating a murder, committing a murder, or cheating somebody out of something).
Now, would I rather watch a commercial that actually tells me that vegetarians have better sex, a car company intimating it, or someone getting shot? I'll go for the honest approach. It's a shame that we, as a nation, haven't lost our thirst for violence and matured to the point where we can accept love (and sex...or at least talking about it) as something equal to (or better than) watching a group of actors figure out the reasons for a murder.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
A man of promising names
Late last Tuesday night, while the inauguration balls were in full swing, I was flipping between CNN and MSMBC when I heard a discussion involving Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann about the positive affect our new President's middle name could conceivably have on the Middle East peace process. They went on about how Arab leaders and the people of the area would be able to relate to a man with Hussein as a middle name. I tend to agree. It certainly can't hurt. And hopefully it will help him build some real dialogue between all parties in the region.
However, I did find it a bit strange that not one of the journalists on the panel realized that the first name of Mr. Obama happens to be the last name of the former Prime Minister and current Minister of Defense of Israel.
Now...when you think about it, that really puts the President in a position to reach out to everyone in that area on a first and middle name basis!
However, I did find it a bit strange that not one of the journalists on the panel realized that the first name of Mr. Obama happens to be the last name of the former Prime Minister and current Minister of Defense of Israel.
Now...when you think about it, that really puts the President in a position to reach out to everyone in that area on a first and middle name basis!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Sarah Palin, Joe the Plummer, and the Pet Rock
I don't know...maybe it's me, but I think the country (or probably the media would be a better way of putting it) has REALLY lost its way.
Ok, I realize this kind of jounalism has been they way of our world for a long time - but when is the fascination with Sarah Palin (let her live and be well - just not on my time), and Joe the Plummer, gonna be over.
I think a lot of people in this country would follow a bag of compost if it was packaged well by the folks in the media and especially if the reality/TV magazine shows (including some of our "news" programs) used them to fill their air time.
But, think about it. What relevance does Sarah Palin or Joe the Plummer (another media invention that they keep harpin' on) have to our daily lives.
Let the Governor do her thing up north and let the people of Alaska question her. She's got nothin' to do with the economy, wars, and all the other afflictions in front of us here in the U.S.
It just seems she's filling up air time (and print space...including right here, hopefully for the last time) that could be used to examine more pertinent things.
Joe the Plummer - enough said. He has absolutely no relevance at all - none. Stop with him already. Does anybody really want to hear about that guy...anybody?!
And, IF so...WHY?!
Seems the Pet Rock had more impact in our lives. At least they could keep paper securely on top of a desk.
Ok, I realize this kind of jounalism has been they way of our world for a long time - but when is the fascination with Sarah Palin (let her live and be well - just not on my time), and Joe the Plummer, gonna be over.
I think a lot of people in this country would follow a bag of compost if it was packaged well by the folks in the media and especially if the reality/TV magazine shows (including some of our "news" programs) used them to fill their air time.
But, think about it. What relevance does Sarah Palin or Joe the Plummer (another media invention that they keep harpin' on) have to our daily lives.
Let the Governor do her thing up north and let the people of Alaska question her. She's got nothin' to do with the economy, wars, and all the other afflictions in front of us here in the U.S.
It just seems she's filling up air time (and print space...including right here, hopefully for the last time) that could be used to examine more pertinent things.
Joe the Plummer - enough said. He has absolutely no relevance at all - none. Stop with him already. Does anybody really want to hear about that guy...anybody?!
And, IF so...WHY?!
Seems the Pet Rock had more impact in our lives. At least they could keep paper securely on top of a desk.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
A "Swell" for Dell
Monday I was unfortunate enough to put a CD-ROM into my computer only to find that my CD AND DVD drivers had disappeared.
Where do those things go? Atlantis? The Bermuda Triangle? The pit that so cozily harbors my Sump Pump? PLEASE will someone tell me!? my fingers went to call Dell customer service - thinking, of course, that those words were probably oxymoronic.
But lo...I was connected to Ritesh.
A calm in the storm, Ritesh was as mellow and competent as anyone I've ever encountered on any of my frantic "you gotta help me - my computer has malfunctioned" calls.
Yes, he was at the call center in Mumbai. A fact, I must add, that in the past the other voices on the phone would never, for some reason, disclose.
After a few minutes of getting to know each other as humans (including my condolences for the recent terrorist situation there), Ritesh went to work like a jet without turbulance.
It always amazes me when someone remotely takes control of my desktop, and even more so when that person is half way around the world.
"Mumbai...this is Philly...we have a problem."
Within minutes the man showed his magic. Drivers found. How he retrieved them from my Sump Pump hole I'll never know - but there they were!
And, he even ran me through the whole problem with my muted speakers.
Yep, dead I surmised. Ritesh tried everything, even showed me the pdf diagram of my now useless ornaments (wires, connections and all), but to no avail.
I can't wait for the new ones to arrive!
And to say that somewhere in India a man has saved the nervous system of a guy who just finished viewing a CD.
Thanks Ritesh. Swell job Dell!
Where do those things go? Atlantis? The Bermuda Triangle? The pit that so cozily harbors my Sump Pump? PLEASE will someone tell me!? my fingers went to call Dell customer service - thinking, of course, that those words were probably oxymoronic.
But lo...I was connected to Ritesh.
A calm in the storm, Ritesh was as mellow and competent as anyone I've ever encountered on any of my frantic "you gotta help me - my computer has malfunctioned" calls.
Yes, he was at the call center in Mumbai. A fact, I must add, that in the past the other voices on the phone would never, for some reason, disclose.
After a few minutes of getting to know each other as humans (including my condolences for the recent terrorist situation there), Ritesh went to work like a jet without turbulance.
It always amazes me when someone remotely takes control of my desktop, and even more so when that person is half way around the world.
"Mumbai...this is Philly...we have a problem."
Within minutes the man showed his magic. Drivers found. How he retrieved them from my Sump Pump hole I'll never know - but there they were!
And, he even ran me through the whole problem with my muted speakers.
Yep, dead I surmised. Ritesh tried everything, even showed me the pdf diagram of my now useless ornaments (wires, connections and all), but to no avail.
I can't wait for the new ones to arrive!
And to say that somewhere in India a man has saved the nervous system of a guy who just finished viewing a CD.
Thanks Ritesh. Swell job Dell!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
NyQuil, DayQuil, NoQuill
So, I'm sittin' here after a night of NyQuil and NoQuill (just didn't feel like writing) and getting ready to take some DayQuil. Yeah...I've taken all my herbal suppliments and am currently drinking green tea with honey but, in my case - right now - I'll depend on the Pharmas too.
Maybe if I sat in a humidor for a month and became perfectly humidified inside and out I'd be fine.
Anywayz, finishing the last syllabus (sounds like a large yellow vehicle from a Monte Python skit) for this coming semester's courses (ahh...the joy of a university) when it occured to me that somewhere there's a whole bunch of college students freakin' out about books, end of break, tuition, their jobs, credits, who they're gonna be sittin' next to, and a whole bunch of other stuff.
When is this country going to realize that the greatest resource it has are its people and instead of spending billions (ok, maybe trillions) on wars, pork projects, and other useless (or careless) things they'll have an epiphany and start giving people education, healthcare, and other meaningful things that they can afford (maybe even not have to pay for).
That doesn't mean sub par. On the should be way above par.
After all...when you invest in the resource of a country's people, you'll have a population that can figure out how to cure lots of society's ills and also take the country to new heights.
But, what do I know...maybe my head's too stuffed up to think!
Maybe if I sat in a humidor for a month and became perfectly humidified inside and out I'd be fine.
Anywayz, finishing the last syllabus (sounds like a large yellow vehicle from a Monte Python skit) for this coming semester's courses (ahh...the joy of a university) when it occured to me that somewhere there's a whole bunch of college students freakin' out about books, end of break, tuition, their jobs, credits, who they're gonna be sittin' next to, and a whole bunch of other stuff.
When is this country going to realize that the greatest resource it has are its people and instead of spending billions (ok, maybe trillions) on wars, pork projects, and other useless (or careless) things they'll have an epiphany and start giving people education, healthcare, and other meaningful things that they can afford (maybe even not have to pay for).
That doesn't mean sub par. On the should be way above par.
After all...when you invest in the resource of a country's people, you'll have a population that can figure out how to cure lots of society's ills and also take the country to new heights.
But, what do I know...maybe my head's too stuffed up to think!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy 2009!
Let's hope that this year turns out to be a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous one for all of us!
And, that we each have laughter and love surrounding us throughout the year.
After all...shouldn't we all be enjoying this journey?
Life's finite so never miss the opportunity to laugh, have fun and appreciate your family and friends.
And, that we each have laughter and love surrounding us throughout the year.
After all...shouldn't we all be enjoying this journey?
Life's finite so never miss the opportunity to laugh, have fun and appreciate your family and friends.
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